
I’ll allow your opinions on The Avengers. I think it’s a fine movie, but nothing about it is amazing. As a culmination of movies and getting the characters together it works. As an interesting story, not so much. But, I would like to know what it is about Spiderman 2 you don’t like.

Seeing this movie in the theater was my first “date” with my now wife, so it also has that going for it.

“I Saw the Light” is pretty good too.

I looked

I’m excited. The few advance songs that I’ve already heard are pretty good. And in my old age I’ve come to being a lot more forgiving of Weezer. No, they’ll never have another Pinkerton or Blue Album, but if this is another Maladroit, then that is good enough for me. 

So true about the How To Train Your Dragon Score. Wonderful listening. We just watched that movie last week and it is so good.

Love it. I still occasionally blurt out “I Drive a Dodge Stratus” for no particular reason.

Oh man, I love the opening sequence in Temple of Doom. Hell the whole Club Obi-Wan section is stellar.

Here I thought I was the only one to call it “Fancy McDonald’s”

As much as it would be typecasting him as the sophisticated European bad guy, fucking Yes! Yes he would be an awesome Dr. Doom.

Pretty sure I own this film on DVD. I really liked it, but never got around to a second viewing. 

It was a perfect set-up.

I leave the initial statement open to interpretation.

Really? Because the more I ignore him, the closer he gets. I know I was just wasting my time.

So sad to see something so beloved from my youth in such a sad, sorry state.

Don’t do that. He’ll just get closer.

Sort of related to the lead-in question: I would play fresh and awesome Final Fantasy VII on the Playstation while listening to fresh and awesome Pinkerton by Weezer. I don’t play the game at all anymore, but whenever I hear that album it brings me back to Cloud and his ridiculously big sword.

You’re right. It has been awhile since I’ve watched it. It’s absolutely worth a revisit, despite the rushed ending.


Reminds me of Bob from Schitt’s Creek entering the scene.