
Have you tried the AirPod Pros? The Transparency feature is fantastic for exactly what you’re describing while maintaining audio quality.

Have you tried the AirPod Pros? The Transparency feature is fantastic for exactly what you’re describing while

Follow up question: are you younger than 30?

Are you younger than 25? (It’s for a study)

We positively reinforced this behavior when we let the Breath of the Wild amiibos give us rare drops because that game was savage and we needed the equipment drops… we’re junkies now. I’ll buy this amiibo to not have to play this terrible game… not have to play this terrible game on its terms. Sorry I trailed off

Yeah, retro tech is usually from the era two decades prior to the current one in my book. Yikes. Vintage is 3 decades prior… I always like the notion that if we were to make a show like that 70s Show in 2018, it’d be set in 1996… thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

Am I only the only Potter fan that doesn’t think the new movies aren’t completely terrible? Also it makes me feel old when someone else is a lifetime Harry Potter fan and I am not, but have been reading the books since they became popular in the late 90s when I was a child, which means I’m too old to have qualified

Well having not played this game and only seeing this single gif screenshot, I would wager they’re going the prequel route like Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst did, since this looks like Mirror’s Edge if you were a cyber ninja or whatever and had better weapon/melee damage. Kinda makes me want to try it.

I would love a remake or just a VC version of Solar Striker, it’s one of two games I still pull out my GBA SP for when I have power outage.

J Kenji Lopez-Alt has an amazing black bean burger recipe like this over on serious eats. It takes a little more time to do, but they’re fantastic as well. The key was baking the beans until dry, which is essentially what you did except you dried them out in a pan in the stovetop. His recipe also includes chopped

10 years?! 10 YEARS???? Are you fucking kidding me? That’s 23 years of kidnapping and forced labor and abuse and you put him away for ONLY 10 YEARS??!!

The GameCube Wavebird controller, it took that competent form factor of the OG GCN controller and made it wireless. I know that Smash purists prefer a wired controller, but Wavebird holds a special place in my heart because it meant we didn’t have to be limited by the short length of controller cables anymore. I still

The GameCube Wavebird controller, it took that competent form factor of the OG GCN controller and made it wireless.

Isn’t that expensive for Ticket to Ride?

Isn’t that expensive for Ticket to Ride?

I think they should just do away with this puzzle, it’s a dumb crossword where the words don’t seem connected half the time, but it’s classic wheel of fortune answering rules which Pat has to remind them EVERY TIME they try answering this DUMB puzzle.

I agree, the fries aren’t great. I usually do them animal style, light well because I know their regular fries are too floppy to eat with animal style without a utensil. Also if you get fries to go and let more than 15 minutes pass between getting your food and getting home (my closest In-N-Outs are 15-20 minutes away

Just about to ask if this was somehow different from the one in control center lol

Clearly we have a chip shortage because they’re all inside the vaccines now!!!

You should reevaluate your pick for Bluetooth headphones, Genki makes the best two Bluetooth adapters for the switch, especially if we’re going portable because their audio adapters plug into the USB C and run off of that. The big boy has passthrough for charging, but the new Lite Versions are super sleek.

You should reevaluate your pick for Bluetooth headphones, Genki makes the best two Bluetooth adapters for the

You’ve been playing for less than a year and most likely haven’t hit any real milestone in the game, specifically level 40 which most of the long-term players have hit years ago at this point. I don’t think you get to judge “life style choices” and stick your nose up at players who have had no way to get the abundance


The best Anker Product is the portable battery that has its own prongs to plug into an outlet to charge or use as a charger with two USB ports. It as about the size of a tape measure or slightly smaller than a MacBook adapter. I always took mine traveling with me - back when we could travel - because I didn’t have to

The best Anker Product is the portable battery that has its own prongs to plug into an outlet to charge or use as a