I’d have expected Lauren Duca to have a more interesting username.
I’d have expected Lauren Duca to have a more interesting username.
Feel free to take her syllabus-less class where tweeting is 20% of the grade lol
What? Season three is excellent. Not as good as season two, but better than season one.
If you haven’t seen the first three seasons of Fargo, you should check them out.
ooooooohhh he’s halfway there...
Yeah, that’s exactly what I get from it. Like they spoon perfectly.
Oh, boy. Wait until you get to the Season Two finale! If you watch the larger arc of the show, we root for Barry to get OUT OF what he’s doing. That he keeps failing is ultimately portrayed as a tragedy. Also, it never shies away from the moral, emotional consequences of what he’s doing, even amongst the comedy.
What that fails to mention is that the other Vietnam vet would hace been played by Danny Devito in character as Frank Reynolds, and the woman who died was Shadynasty.
What a time to be alive!
Jesus built my Knight Rider. It’s a love affair, mainly Jesus and my Knight Rider.
He looks like Al Swearengen married Captain Jack Sparrow.
Seriously. One of the most bizarre shows of all time. The episode with John Lurie & Willem Dafoe ice fishing in Maine I guess was my favorite (and weirdest) episode.
Now I just want to watch Fishing With John again.
Well, I always thought Kareem was the greatest, but my Dad says he doesn’t work hard enough on defense.
Won’t someone please think of all the men?
In a state where it didn’t matter, I still went to the polls to vote for a candidate I didn’t particularly like, in an effort to show solidarity with all the people on the internet I implored to vote for Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump (hopefully) ends up an embarrassing part of our history.
Moe always knew.
Yeah I’m not sure if the guy I pantsed back in they day has a sexual assault case against me or if he himself is guilty of sexual assault because two girls saw it... or if I’m guilty of all three sexual assaults... but one girl said she wasn’t looking so I guess that’s attempted sexual assault.
Point is I’m a felon…
Katy Perry does. Didn't you read the article?