Pepperidge farm rem.....
Pepperidge farm rem.....
Remember when people used to comment on AV Club articles?
AV Club: criticizing others for typos while declining to employ a copy editor.
People voted for Obama just so they’d get a free homophone.
I hope you enjoyed the frogurt.
Claussen pickles contain sodium benzoate (to preserve flavor).
I wish for a turkey sandwich... AND I don’t want any ZOMBIE turkeys, and I don’t want to turn into a turkey myself, and I don’t want any other weird surprises. You got it, paw?
Sorry guys. The whole “The Simpsons is running forever” thing is my fault. I got one of those monkey’s paws in 1994.
So, first off, Donald Trump is an asshole.
There’s no way a libertarian comic would let his set end that quickly. He’d follow each audience member to their car haranguing them about being sheeple and that those jokes were great.
I got a tattoo to remind me of the best time for music. It is a constant reminder of the music I love.
Black people theorize conspiracies like “this”, White people theorize conspiracies like “This!”
The old comments went to live on a farm upstate
Friendly reminder that Kinja has destroyed this website.
That photo is fake. The Stanley Cup is never in Toronto.
And in 2070 going to an NHL game will be the only way to see any surface frozen!
And little Wayne Gretzky never forgot that valuable lesson for the rest of his career........And now you know......the rest of the story.
The player replied, “Go have another donut you fat pig”