
Having worked for T-Mo, they took so long to get the iPhone so that they can make sure they have the bandwidth to support so many of them. You really SHOULDN'T see much of a performance drop. According to the internal communications I was privy to.

This is rediculous...

Atlanta has schools that can't afford to feed their students lunch, or employee enough teachers so that the students get a quality education...yet can afford to chip in for this...

OK Seriously... This whole video was done on a tablet. From what I have seen, the TABLET experience isn't the one that was dreadful, it's the DESKTOP PC/LAPTOP experience that needed work...

Wow... lets see you take random environments from one game, and hunt down similar environments in another.... you can do that WITH EVERY RPG, MMO and 1 player...

What about people who's phones have no valid root?

On my HTC Incredible 2, I have not been able to locate any of the CIQ programs he shows in the video... Maybe this isn't installed by every carrier...

LOL seriously?

Pretty sure, the topic of this article and map is Nuclear Weapons... not reactors.

wow seriously.... I make one comment that you disagree with and you wish I had never been born? Says a lot about your level of maturity doesn't it? Can't handle someone disagreeing with you? Instead of trying to understand their position let's IMMEDIATELY jump to hate, and wishing the person had never existed.

wtf are you talking about,

Because if you COULD careless then you do actually care. the correct usage is "I couldN'T care less."

you're right it is shopped. The tower is really only leaning 1.64ft... the image was shopped for effect. not accuracy.

The issue there is for users like me with the HTC Incredible 2, there isn't a Cyanogen mod released yet. So we're boned. Actually upon further google searches I can't find a single root for the Incredible 2.

There is every reason to shun someone.

In my opinion smokers should be treated like lepers used to... They are disgusting, and doing something that can cause harm to those around them and so should be shunned from society for to help ensure that their filthy habit doesn't harm anyone else...

I play this game with my wife, and have a very nice sized guild on Belmont Guardian side. I am currently leveling a mage as my 3rd character to get to 50, he just hit 20 and I can tell you I see lower level people all the time in each zone, so it's still got a healthy pop in the mid to lower levels. And most guilds

I have been coming here for 2 years, and this is the FIRST comment that had me laughing out loud. Thank you for that.

More like if you're in a country with free healthcare, go stand in line for several months to years and pray you're still breathing when they call your number.

The merged horse-human audio sample is scary as hell... that is something I would expect from a horror game.