
This is the most shallow, hateful, and insulting article I have read on any "serious" blog. If I was your boss I would fire you for this piece of trash!

Well I can name several;

According to the twitter feed they've lost telemetry shortly after the vehicle entered the glide phase.

I like your analogy but a better analogy would have been, the surgeons wife just had a baby, and it kept them up most of the night. It happens on a daily basis. These people are human-beings, not machines.

@Jason Thompson: I worked in a Taco Hell for 6 months in high school, I can assure the beef is real, however I cannot recommend eating it...ever...

@xcalibr: looked more like water to me.

I've experienced several instances of what this man is talking about. 1st time was when I was 16, going down the highway with bad tires in rainy conditions and my truck hydro-planed, I was able to recover and keep driving before I ever got close to another car. Then it happened again when I was driving my parents to

Is it just me or does it appear that the ball flies off the water tee a an extreme angle to the left when the whole is more to the right, then just disappears behind the guy and then they all start screaming?

@iScuba: I had a discussion quite similar to what you are talking about with my astronomy professor in college, he said that "there could not possibly be any unidentified elements left in the universe, that the periodic table is full and can not accommodate anymore". I help up class for a whole day asking for him to

@GregtheMad: That is the most naive and misinformed comment I personally have ever read.

@qbrad: except this aircraft would have been transmitting a military ID signal (I am familiar with the tech, but the actual term has slipped my headache fogged brain lol) therefore it would have been easily identifiable as to exactly what it was. Not to mention that the ground station would have followed protocols for

@c_cornelp: You didn't even bother to actually READ the article did you?

@Mark Dygert: But you're missing the biggest red flags she pointed out. She KNEW the instructors weren't certified, she KNEW that they were using unethical methods, she KNEW that the level of work was sub-par yet she CONTINUED to give the school money, she didn't report them to the accreditation board, she didn't

@cainxavier: They didn't say only recognize you, they said the will recognize the player, and in GW2 every player online at the time can come and help in the saving of that village and everyone of them will be recognized as the hero. What is truly different is that unlike other games where you are "recognized" as the

@Panzercat: While that is true, the same could be said for Star Trek Online, which has already had to go to a "beg for business" business model. And at the same time take a look at what happened with Star Wars Galaxies. Now don't get me wrong I LOVE Star Wars, but everything I have read about the game just wreaks of

@Hasseo: GW2 Will not be instanced like GW1 was. It will have instanced quests, and instances/dungeons, but the majority of the game will take place in an open, persistent world where you can play with people without having to be partied.

@Panzercat: Just like it hemorrhaged with the release of Warhammer, Aion, Age of Conan, oh and just about every other major mmo release since WoW released. PUHLEASE! I regularly play with a guild of 120 active members, only 3 or 4 of them have even a passing interest in SW:tOR. That game isn't really doing anything

@brass2themax: Many states don't require the employer to have a "valid" reason to fire you. Here in GA is a prime example your boss can walk up to you say "You're fired" and need no other reason then he felt like it.