
Just wait til the school year. All those kids will lose their phones playing in class

Trouser Snake, I choose you!

Too bad it’s not the Nippon League. That could create a Godzilla v Pokemon movie crossover....someone call Nintendo, I have got the next marketing gimmick for them!

That guys suspension is toast. Just saying.

Harbaugh-the new Jigsaw.

Atari graphic head crunching, serial killers, possessed animatronics filled with rotting corpses of murdered children.... nope, nothing too awful here!

Or the Devil went down to Jamaica

Haven’t seen a Bull score so hard since the days of MJ

Thats where these bots come into play. You can establish a Paypal account, sell these skins, get real money. There’s also Craigslist ads, forum purchases (Real cash cards or money orders) for skins. There’s a niche scam market for it too.

The library issue not withstanding (Stupid prone-to-fault controls or inputs) this is better than I have ever done. 0 deaths, completion. Holy crap.

I am using a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 and can’t force my firmware to upgrade which sucks balls. I would like something to do on smoke breaks around the house but i guess reddit and kinja will have to do.

Looked up the specs, 4.4-6.0, non tablet, and still no guarantees of support or compatibility. Jesus christ if you need all that AND my whole battery I may have dodged a bullet!

Let me rephrase it: Turn 4: Deal X damage to opponent and gain x life where X is infinite.

For whom the balls toll, they toll for thee.

Turn 4 Infinite Damage loop to your opponent. Gain infinite life.

Same boat which means my family is gonna skip this one. Not buying new smart devices just for it.

At least he didn’t shit the bed and drop the phone though.

The joke here is he’s really signing with the Knicks.


What is a snowstorm comprised entirely of salt? A good match because you aren’t covered in the shit of assholes in game.