
The People's Champion Award

Storm Duck sounds like a Mega Man X boss name.

Ludicolo dances away the pain...

If he drinks tap water, no he isn't

Contractual severence is removed if the bastard quits most likely.

Nathan Peterman is what will make the South rise again.

Okc or Butte, Montana 

What arebyou hoping to find in these documents? Confirmation of the readkly apparent pro-Russia bias in Trump’s Cabinet? That Wall Street is really the Illuminati and Shadow Government in charge? Just damned curious?

Nah, Trump had an agent from (Pick your alphabet agency) break in and swap tracks in attempt to create another xenophobic incident.

Don’t forget, all male virility enhancers and contraceptives cannot be given freely or subsidized by the government or insurance. Thats not what they’re there for.

My question is, satirically for the satire here, twofold:

I’d rather look like this first:

To put it on another side, during Obama’s super-majority years back when i was still finding what I was trying to define as my own political base, it used to be seen as a ‘Without representation’ kind of motif for others like me. Looking back, I was still a fucking idiot.

Now playing

i love TruTV’s ‘Adam ruins Everything’ segment on the wall where he states backed up by a report from one of our own government’s organizations, more than half our illegal immigration problems are legal visas thst overstay.

As my dad, an avid collector and range shooter once said, the sound of a racking shotgun is only surpassed by the noise of its discharge to a burglar. i whole heartedly agree with your sentiment.

Fuck even if they didnt have long arms or anything more than maybe legal pocket knives the police and politicians would be up with their long arms in response

Now im going to be Highly illgoical but plausible asshat here. Abuse of government money programs frees up financial burdens on families, who by znd large are most likely not going to abuse the goodwill. There will always be one guy, probably in a gun heavy state or region such as the south or midwest, that may decide

Actually, guns and ammo have recently had historic significance in being bought and stockpiled en masse during periods of Democratic party presidency or congressional majorities due to an unexplainable, borderline irrational, fear that the G-men will buy, confiscate, steal, or destroy every weapon they own and all the

Two responses:

The sex party: A viable third party candidate that says what it means. Willing to fuck you over for a dollar, two if you want a reacharound