
I thought a great deal of people wanted another F-Zero considering it’s been three generations since one came out.

I just want some story DLC or Las Venturas added...

So this is what we get instead of Las Venturas??

Dude, seriously?! The game came out less than a year ago, you really think it’s been long enough that you can tell us how wrong we were about the game.

There a dozen’s of Youtube videos laying the groundwork for the bait-and-switch that is No Man’s Sky, the best piece of evidence being the debut trailer with models

Why do we only see these articles about Nintendo?? Cuz I bet a dollar there are thousands of these a day, you just seem to be focusing on a single company.

Can you at least have some understanding of betting before you offer your opinion please?? I don’t know this shit either, but at least I’m not typing a paragraph about how I don’t get this but think it’s wrong that it happened

Why do you need to transfer your data when you can transfer the console.

Nice try Kotaku! Switch is a success despite your anti-Nintendo article a day...

“Real love doesn’t need to be real”

Uhhh yes it does, that’s what makes it real.....

Wasn’t this game supposed to be part of a 5 year plan or something.

Jokes definitely on you guys...

I still do think that lol

Rofl how can he get a cam to make his in-game money useful when he spends all his money in-game?

Idk why you’d think that, considering the very first game has you play as an Arabic descendant during the Crusades lol. Oh and don’t forget he’s got some Native American blood in there from Connor

Guess the author of this never played Assassin’s Creed, or wanted to talk about how much Desmond sucks even though he’s not

I love how you make the claim you read but have no idea what to do with a mystery novel....Do you also skip to the ends of whatever books you are pretending to read, cuz that’ll spoil the end of My Sister’s Keeper just as much as it would a Ms Marple novel

Really, well I saw this movie as the racist piece of shit it is. I mean how terrifying an african american would rather shake hands than fist pound......

Agreed. She’s literally telling her husband to forgive her so she can lose weight and do it all again, these people are sick and deserve to be left at the curb.

What do I know though, I just pity that poor 7 year old that has no idea what a piece of crap his mother is

“I think you should get over me cheating on your so I can lose weight and attract other men again”

“Death to all Jews” is the line when it comes to comedy...

If you have to tell people not to play video games for 24 hours straight or they’ll die, they deserve to die.

There is no sympathy for these morons. There is no way this man didn’t realize what he was doing was stupid, but he did it for the views so he’s a hero?!

You should look up what Ownership means before you share your moronic and wrong points of view with everyone.....

PewdiePie is as much an anti-Semite as Donald Trump is sexist.