Stop defending child pornographers. I don’t care what these people call it as an excuse to garner sympathy. Like you actually care about this celebrity you watched on some liberal TV show about love and tolerance...
Stop defending child pornographers. I don’t care what these people call it as an excuse to garner sympathy. Like you actually care about this celebrity you watched on some liberal TV show about love and tolerance...
Ya know property is transferable too, some people even chose theft as their transfer’re last sentence doesn’t make a point either so I can’t really say much about that.
I happily bought the ACTUAL Fortnite and loved it. I stopped playing due to life reasons, but I tried to hop on any chance I could.
Then I…
Harrasment campaigns!? Are you serious??
The game was unfinished and nonsensical! Who writes “my face is tired”, who records it, and then who puts it in a game without a single person going “I don’t think that’s how people talk”.
And how do you equate how you spent your summer as a way of improving this game?
I was excited when I saw the different locations, the different points of view, and thought maybe..just maybe we were getting a proper WWZ game based on the book featuring everything from escaping from the infested Bayou after your plane goes down to zombie fighting dachshunds (for God’s sake read the book).
Then came…
I despised Troi on Star Trek. She was honestly the worst therapist I have ever seen!
Her mother directly interfered with Alexander and Worf’s family therapy, Picard rescues a wounded Borg although he wants nothing more than to leave it to die and the first thing she does is throw his former assault in his face. I’ve…
Fallout 4 beings said, even Fallout 1 had voice acting and it was quite good from both an acting stand-point and a writing one (just watch a clip of The Master conversation to see it at it’s best). What you mean is that Bethesda gave a voice to your RPG character.
Bioware got some good luck with Commander Shepard and…
I think you guys are a bit too big for your breeches after doing a Facebook search for that EA employee.
This article is just poor journalism. How do you have ANY right to draw your own conclusions from someone else’s tweet? It’s more a confirmation than it is a denial, which makes it odd you feel the need to attempt…
On two separate occasions I’d end up ten coins away from unlocking a Premium skin only to stop getting any coins or duplicate skins. I quit playing with 990 and I’ll never go back...
Haha what a surprise, Fan Theories are full of shit
God you people are such fucking hipsters!
Games don’t get a second chance, PERIOD! I don’t care if No Man’s Sky is the best Sci-fi game on the market right was released last year
Hahaha gotta love SJW attacking franchises that have never offended their sensibilities
If you aren’t doing a custom campaign then why are you playing Dnd?? You can make these games whatever you want, up to and including T-rexs if you’re playing the right Gen....but let’s tout how we are now “officially” adding Gay…
Now there’s a solution! Let’s burn all those who we disagree with!!
Oh how unique! Your family is betrayed by a close family friend that sets you on a quest for revenge...
How about you being the arrogant Master Assasin at the start of the game, then getting stripped of your gear, rank, and honor. It’s not a story of you growing up learning how to be a master, it was a story of…
Martin Luther King Jr would be UTTERLY disgusted with all of you and you should be ashamed for not being able to know that!
So you’ll call out Nintendo for demanding fan games using their copyrighted assets be taken down, but praise the act when it comes to naked women mods?? Seems like there’s a bit of a bias there...
Thanks for doing the journalist’s job for them. They clearly need the help...
This is a single player only game, you can earn everything just by playing, and you can ignore all this and still achieving everything you are supposed to!
You could have written this for Fortnite, but you chose Shadow of Mordor?? You praise phone games that are rife with this garbage, but call out what could be the…
The fact that you say Wolfenstien has better characters than Heavy Rain sums up your site pretty well...
No one care about your illogical, overly sensitive race riots...
I torrented every. single. Gen 3 Rulebook that had ever existed. One had the stats for a T-rex and other dinosaurs but my favorite was the Sex Ruleset. They had die rolls to test for STD transmition, I mean how much nerdier can you get!