God, this. So this.
God, this. So this.
The key difference here is Capcom has refined MH over the years and created the ultimate version of it, as a game to be played by new and old players for possibly years to come. Destiny is a platform to sell microtransactions and expansion passes to make as much money as humanly possible in the shortest amount of time.
Bioware ruined themselves with sloppily made sequels. EA just told them to bolt microtransactions to it.
Right - gotta ruin more kids lives!!!!
oh ffs i just saw he hung himself NEAR A LITTLE LEAGUE FIELD. how disgusting. he’s not supposed to be around children and then he kills himself where they could potentially see him?!
I’d argue that most folks have a simplistic view of politics.
Well, that’s a simplistic argument, isn’t it.
Donald Trump and the GOP have attempted to to pin the blame for the shutdown on Democrats, most of whom voted against the spending bill because it does not contain protections for DACA recipients, among other things. It’s true that if they had collaborated with the GOP, the government would still be open. But let’s be…
Which trend chasing genre are you talking about? The Left for Dead part, The Minecraft part or the Battle Royale add on? Vanilla Fortnite’s player base plateaued and they were desperate so they chased the biggest fish that day and it was PUBG. I can’t blame them for doing so but acting like it isn’t a trend chasing…
“it was easy for Fortnite: Battle Royale to look like a trend-chasing copycat. Months later, the studio’s enormous player base seems to have proven everyone wrong.”
You know, it’s hard going to a video games website to relax and unwind, when every other story is something negative. Sure, you’re spreading awareness, I get that. But, it’s the same news story again (sexual harassment) but different names. I know you guys are trying to be all life changing or something, but it’s…
At no point does anyone in the article claim that Cage in particular is one of the people sexually harassing people.
It should be obvious at this point that Wahlberg has a really, really good agent.
Yep, Wahlberg’s PR people deserve the credit for this one. Wonder how long it took them to talk him into it.
Looooool. Well, it’s an inspired PR move, anyway.
Destiny: The series that could have been. Or might be someday. Maybe. Unless they change too much. Or too little. Or give away too much loot, rendering exotics unexciting. Or don’t drop loot enough, pissing off the fanbase.
Microsoft’s treatment of the Xbox One’s backwards compatibility list is bull. Disney games like Cars (475 votes) get put on the list but games that are actually decent like Infinite Undiscovery (4746 votes) get ignored. I get that there has to be some kind of kid friendly variety but, put both on the list.
Didn’t they say they this last year as well.
Yeah, who wants to see a beloved entity be taken over by some corporate overlords? Why that’d be like this here AV Club being purchased by some large conglomerate and shifting its editorial viewpoint to accommodate their new corporate masters.
Loot boxes eat man. Loot boxes inherit the earth.