And since I could care less this man wasted his life.
He should have been more constructive like the streamer who filmed himself clicking his mouse a million times...
And since I could care less this man wasted his life.
He should have been more constructive like the streamer who filmed himself clicking his mouse a million times...
The game came out a week ago and you’re deciding to write about lag now?!
Why not just hold back one of those Anti-Nintendo pieces and write an article about actual gaming for once...
Enough with the Fucking anti-Nintendo ads, I don’t know who you think you’re fooling.
-Mario in the Real World looks crappy
-Nintendo boxes waste plastic
-Switch Popularity is down [Switch sells out Worldwide before the end of the week]
You’ve still lost all credibility after calling Nintendo out for firing that…
Survival of the Fittest at it’s finest
Rofl are you kidding. Read some reviews
I honestly had no idea why anything was happening in FFIV. A King let his Kingdom fall because he loved his son?? And who the heck are these Kingdoms and people talking to me?!
I say it looks boring too
If you guys are wondering why no one can seem to make Age of Empires V, it’s because of this series.
Ensemble was forced to make a Halo RTS just for consoles, which is a moronic idea today and especially was back then. They made it work though, it wasn’t stellar but it wasn’t a failure.
They didn’t ship enough copies…
Stopped reading when you started ranting about women and race
If it’s anything like Proteus, it’s pretentious nonsense.
I just wanna say that I was heavily involved with this event as it was my first, and I also only recieved 2 Legendary Skins, I even got D.VA and Roadhog TWICE through out the event.
I opened a bunched too, easily more than 20
Hillary Clinton was not just a traitor but a vile criminal who spent he days undermining the American people
And am I supposed to be crying right now??
So our society isn’t based on the idea any person can think and feel any way they wish, and can in fact be punished for thinking against the majority??
Old Roms are free and legal. If you buy this you are no different than the chumps who go to GoG to buy games that someone else optimized for Dos Box.
No lie I even have a porn version for River City Rampage, it’s revolting but I have it none the less
This game has that too. If you play Germans you gotta get building quick cuz if any faction ever grows faster than you you lose
We don’t even know why Overwatch is fighting itself, so why would we have any idea who is sleeping with who??
Since Mercy already brought Genji back from the dead, what more does she need to conquer?
Guys, we get it, your hipsters that have to go against the curve.
Well no one cares whether you liked it, the mass audience decided it was shit and we were right to do so from the first trailer. Good for you all for enjoying a piece of garbage though!
The RNG loot box needs to go away fast.
Gamers with disabilities don’t need to be cited here.
You want to use a good control set-up?? Buy a PC!! This article doesn’t need to exist, these plebs don’t deserve the time of day, let alone attention.
How dare anyone to say a mouse and keyboard are cheating. WTF is wrong with these people!
So let me get this straight??
When faced with an enemy that doesn’t question what they are told and does exactly as ordered, no matter how heinous, we should abandon what makes us who we are and a better society, and resort to the same sort of thinking and violence that makes us hate these people.
Yep sounds like a…