
See, this is why I voted for Trump

I liked the Documentary portion of the game and thought that’s what they should have focused on.

Or at the very least let us play as the Mafia for God’s sake. The last great Mafia game was The Godfather and that was years ago and based on a movie

This site is horrible with not including spoiler warnings. For God’s sake, the title of an article was “Captain America doesn’t die at the end of Civil War 2" and the author acted like a pretentious douche bag as he was lambasted for it

If you want to see how could Mafia 3 could have been go play The Godfather game.

I honestly thought this game would blow that classic away, what with the Underbosses and all, but it’s like a bad GTA clone. Even though people forbid you from entering their stores, there’s no point to go inside them in the first place...

No matter what our future holds, it will still be better than Clinton’s future

Yes but those number don’t matter in an Electoral College so enough already!! That’s like saying Hitler deserved to win WWII because he had a nice mustache, it doesn’t matter!!

You’re only mad because you know he’s right you Libtard.

Hillary Clinton is a morally corrupt monster

Stopped reading at the black grading. To think in this day and age we’re still discriminating based on how black black can be.

I thought we were better than this...

No Gender politics for me thank you!!

I’ll just go back to my WWI game narrated by a black man, populated by black Germans, and apparently all the Allied snipers were black too. Guess nobody saw Boardwalk Empire huh??

I care about Pikman, Smash, Mario Kart, Mario Party, and just Mario in general and have no idea what you’re talking about.

Miyamoto had to tell Wreck It Ralph how Bowser should drink his coffee in the movie, so I think Nintendo cares about their IPs....

Rofl I love how you accuse Nintendo of foul play and saying their fans won’t stand for this.

Then you yourself type a paragraph Nintendo has every right to do this,

Every second a gamer isn’t playing a REAL pokemon game (especially during the Christmas season with a new one on the market) is damaged caused to the REAL

Awww sorry copy-right infringers. Maybe you’ll have better luck making your own version of; Halo, Final Fantasy, Deus Ex, CoD, or Battlefield.

Give it a shot, I promise you won’t get a CaD

Don’t be a crony, companies don’t need your loyalty

“I want to eat at Arby’s”
“Because some guy on the internet makes video game characters out of cardboard using their boxes!!!”

Kotaku is EXTREMELY biased again Nintendo, please do not acknowledge any of their opinions regarding Nintendo.

Hell they hate them so much Kotaku writes bogus articles about Nintendo firing female workers, when that female worker has a second job as an escort which breached her contract.....

It’s not politically correct to track and ridicule children, so yes it does have something to do with political correctness, you over-sensitive libtard

Pretty sure it was breaking a law to steal his school documents through “a mate”. I don’t know how Brits feel about their children, but here in America we don’t want game developers back-tracing our children because they wanna be cute...

No the worst case scenario is the mom takes EXTREME offense to a company of game designers who tracked her son down through a deal they made with someone who worked at the school to get her child’s personal information so they could track, humiliate, and threaten the child because he’s posting pictures of something

Rofl pretty sure it’s common knowledge that Detroit is a terrible place to live, nice try libtard

There is nothing funny about this. If you don’t want to be lied to then don’t encourage this shit!