
You used to be able to buy the skin you wanted for your gun, or have to unlock it through skill and kills.

Now it’s random, dumb, luck and has NOTHING to do with skill, time committed, or any other worthwhile qualifier. The only thing it does rely on is how much real world money you are willing to spend on this shit,

Came here just to lambaste you for not including Skies of Arcadia, I left pleasantly surprised

Six weeks isn’t enough time to get yourself to Planned Parenthood after the condom broke??

God you people are such a stereotype.

And you are the reason Dead Rising 4 is a casual piece of crap without anything defining or interesting.

Looks like someone isn’t very good at budgeting their time...

Joel is in the trailer, your mind is wrong

How are you worried that this game will sully the first one’s reputation if Ellie is on a Firefly murder spree?

She most likely has a vendetta against the Fireflys because Joel told her some story about their escape. I bet a dollar she finds out Joel lied to her all these years and then we see why this game “is about

Usually when a journalist dates someone and then tries to use their career to sell that person’s product, it needs to be disclosed....

They look exactly how I expected them to

Danny O’Dwyer is who all of you video game journalists should aspire to be.

He can make a statistics based game like Sensible Soccer sound like a blast, and he actually knows and cares about the topics he touches on as opposed to you guys and your ADD flash in the pan “oh yeah I watched Star Wars once so I’m a super

If episode 1 doesn’t involve the hunting down and murder of that little Russian guy I’m out!

They already have video players a plenty so I fail to see how this person achieved anything besides wasting his life

Why shouldn’t parents know the truth about their children when they’re under the age of 18??

I was a victim of the RE 4 remaster.

They removed all the filters from cutscenes so they look like they’re in-game instead, the AI suffered tremendously, and the framerate drops any time you use a sniper rifle because apparently the Xbone can’t handle Gamecube games

Remaster implies the game will look better than before, it doesn’t.

Stop being a Devil’s Advocate, you aren’t good at it

Glad Video Game developers feel the same way about you Fucks as I do. Helps one to feel validated

I thought you libs liked that sort of thing.

I belong to an Adirondack Hiking group and every other day there’s a group of chicks posting pictures nude from on top of a mountain

Maybe if it’s a Square JRPG. Persona is the shit

Gamers have to pay for dedicated servers now, unlock their weapons through RNG based boxes, and don’t have multiplayer when games are released.

Am I missing something about this great age we are living in?