

It was not okay for Rockstar to delay their GTA multiplayer a month and still have it suck at launch, and it’s not okay for Watchdogs either.

You fucks make millions of dollars, use that money to make your games! I have zero sympathy or patience for these morons.

Didn’t see Republicans menopausing in the streets these past 8 years.

Get the Fuck over it. Maybe if you Fucks had even a sense of humility the country wouldn’t have chucked you out of Washington

Can you at least compose yourself long enough to, oh I don’t know, REPORT ON WHAT ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE!

God I’m Fucking going to love the next 4 years. Just for the sheer fact I can watch you Fucks squirm and bitch about the Country being done with your Shit

I thought the same, exact, thoughts about the people mentally ill enough to vote a PROVEN, INCOMPETENT CRIMINAL into the White House

Rofl yes thank you for sharing how your uncle would wait for people to be alone in the bathroom to assault them.

Totally lifted my spirits!!

If you’re boyfriend is that dumb then you don’t deserve to get married


Trayvon Martin was a fucking criminal who got exactly what he deserved

And us on the East Coast will be happy to see you Fucks go

Please scream at your father for exercising his right to vote

Are you really going to whine at the opening of your articles for the next 4 years?

Same thing happened in GTA. I bought the $160 version to get the goodies, then they just gave them all away in the Xbox One/PS4 version

Oh get the Fuck over it

In your face you whiny libtards!! We’re finally done with your Fucked up sense of America

Shut your whore mouth! How dare you even remotely defend Call of Duty’s writers

Blizzard needs to get over this “tuh you plebs be playin old games??” attitude FAST!

If we want to pay you to play your older, BETTER, games then let us, but stop insulting our tastes. Jumped into season 8 of Diablo but all I wanted to do was go back to one, which I promptly torrented because I’m not allowed to but it

Dude Activision’s full name is Activision Blizzard. What are you talking about?

I’m sorry but those were the statisttics I learned in scholl back when people thought logically.

Feel any way you want about most women being Bi, but that’s what they Fucking taught us in Health Class and all, sorry your personal feelings can’t take fact

It’s a demo for a game that’s never coming so take that into consideration before wasting your time