Rofl I think you drank to much kool-aid there boss.
Rofl I think you drank to much kool-aid there boss.
Hey somebody had to explain it....
Don’t ask me why that somebody wasn’t JJ Abrams though
All my sex robot needs is to be named Fisto and I’m ready to go!
I also feel like I’ve been shot after reading this article
You must have never been to the dildo section in a sex shop if you think sex toys are marketed mostly towards men
Well then you are a bad consumer. Please enjoy your insultingly lazy developed games.
They were stupid. I don’t understand how people chose Kaiden to live...while playing a straight character
Rofl someone wants attention today.
You people are all sick.
Cool this applies to me sooo friggin much.
Has this guy jumped the shark yet??
Unless it’s by Dave Filoni (he gets Star Wars so Indiana Jones should be easy) I don’t want this.
Guys more than 90% of the gaming community does not care as we’ve seen this game for what it is.
You do realize this game was promised to last 10 years or so right??
How about trying to get us invested in the Battlefront campaign...oh wait
Still trying to force the Female Ghostbusters down our throats, huh...
Those of us who actually deal with REAL jobs and REAL crunch don’t give a crap. Just stick another pillow behind your office chair and you’ll be fine
So where are the amazing games that are supposed to go with these screen shots??
Or you can not be a moron and research the games you might want to purchase that’s not their store page.