Nobody cares they are playing better games
Nobody cares they are playing better games
As you should!! I love how everyone is all “Obama third term, that’ll fix everything”.
If you’re dumb enough to buy a bad game you deserve it.
This has nothing to do with gender you moronic LIBTARD!!
This isn’t the MMO people are playing right now, stop pretending it is
I sometimes hate games my first time and then go one to love them!
It’s their shield readout, that light gets smaller as their shield goes down.
Took 3 DLCs to finally get Chewbacca...3.
“Look guys Konami is trying, please be nice” said the libtard.
Nobody plays Destiny.
Well then you are a bad consumer and your opinion is worthless.
You said it buddy, every game needs to copy this.
Well you’re wrong. I was there and when that game came out it revolutionized RE and gaming as a whole.
You only make that claim to back up yours that FPS RE is the “best change ever” this crap is not RE and you’re a hipster
Maybe you die regularly in Bloodborne
You people are all sick!
And that’s only because Sega themselves doesn’t know how to make a Sonic game.
Anyone who plays any of these games on console is a fucking moron anyways, why do they deserve mods??
Rofl the more paragraph somebody rights about obsolete hardware, the more full of shit they are.
God I knew that “the PS4.5 is going to revolutionize gaming for some reason” was full of shit...
I think he’s right too! This game got me into Star Trek and I feel no shame in admitting that.