
Because whiny, alarmist, manipulative, hack bloggers have no place in that future.

Maybe that should tell you how much American cares about you shits and to finally shut the FUCK UP!! Leave your movies, TV shows, books, and games alone!!

When is this all going to end??

Uhhh you do realize that gentleman is an African American, right??

God I wish streaming had never became a thing.

I wouldn’t call Spore a let-down! During my first playthrough I accidentally created the Gungan race, as duckbills and webbed feet give you high charisma or something. I also created a terrific Enterprise to travel space in and revised it many times (going from NCC-1701-A through F)

Then it’s an IP that isn’t already owned and love by millions of people, and not illegal to make a game about

Ann Coulter and her entire family are awful, putrid, selfish, people.

At least someone who, ya know, PLAYS video games. Then I could at least give their comments some credit.

Show me a picture of a BBW ready for battle then we’ll talk.

Destiny but mostly Division. I gave up on Destiny after Bungie stated they didn’t believe in group-finding at all, and had literally zero forms of chat so how did they expect one to find a group? Filling out resumes on some third party website?? That’s the future of gaming??

Thanks for the article on Final Fantasy dungeons.

So these are the types of articles I can expect from you guys for WoW....on the loading screens

Rofl dude come one now. You think these hacks have ANY credibility left??

Don’t you mean Nigger?

Good God you Fuck’s!!

YEP! Just swap Preston out with a dude with an eye patch and have him swear some more and we’re done

Then why were they added to the game in the first place??

So New Vegas but in a Theme Park.....gotcha....

Wtf is “quickness”, how is it different than Agility, and why are both above Charisma??