
Rofl kinda late in the development process to admit everything you’ve said about your game is a lie.

Then enjoy your price-hike.

You forgot about the rainbow water show

Rofl because that character is instantly recognizable around the world....

The reason being these people play about 5 minutes worth of game then attempt to generate revenue from it.

I’d love to leave my mark on a game like that, imagine if you could make a proper Fallout Quest instead of those “kill your chosen group” things we got in 4??

Isn’t it easier to buy a fan to drown out the noise instead of litigating??

That’s how you do it.

Rofl what happened to being able to see other players in the game??


No Man Sky proves nothing because it failed

Now if you only spent as much time on real math as you do Minecraft map, you’d be a success!

And this is the internet. Whine someplace else where they care about your feelings

They will forever BE Nazi Zombies guy! That’s what the mode was called and they went as far as Black Ops until Activision got cold feet and rebranded the Mode “Zombies”.

How do you see 4 shooters where none exist??

Then what the Fuck were demos if not a cordoned off section of a game released for player-testing??

Me too and I had a blast. I had Titanspawn squishing mastered by the end of my first day and entire matches would rage on me cuz of my lock on pistol lol

Only children care about spoilers.

I can see it now release day:

What happened to Fallout? Rollercoasters?! That’s the one thing the series has been missing, rollercoasters?!