
That sticker is correctly applied, I’ll tell you hwat

Regret buying Spore-Lite and should have waited a month from now where it would have been free.

Another wonderful anti-Nintendo ad from Kotaku.

“Please be nice in naming your creations”

See this right here is why I reject anime in all it’s forms with no regrets. I’ll live without spunky anthropomorphize gun women thank you very much (at least that’s what I tell myself)

Better slow down bud!

They did so just as derpily.

Thank God he didn’t bash in someone’s face into the concrete either....

So it’s illegal to peacefully drive your car around Canada??

And someone bought a copy of a game and then shares it with everyone, what’s your point??

Done! Fuck this game! You don’t delay anything days before it’s release

Why in God’s name would they pick a country that doesn’t support Pokemon for the Olympics?!

I love this crap

Ummmm you guys didn’t hear him narrating the Gameplay trailer??

I love Warhammer both fantasy and 40K and would play a game from any perspective in either genre.

See yah!!

It’s because of articles like these that make me NEVER vote Democrat

Can we please not review a game before it’s out. Honestly wtf is wrong with you Fucks the game isn’t even out yet.

Zilla isn’t Godzilla anymore bub. Toho bought him out just so Godzilla could blow him up in War of the Monsters 2 I believe

Will there be guns?!?!