Yeah that’s what I thought.
Yeah that’s what I thought.
Rofl why would Batman wear a Bat-dogtag??
Sorry but you guys are pathetic. The guy said Easter Eggs, not Pokemon, are still undiscovered. If you want to waste parts of your life because a phone game developer told you to, by all means waste away.
Are we SO out of old stories that you’re literally making old news modern news??
Rofl Kotaku doing what it tries to do best, smear Nintendo.
Updated Comment:
His a liberal; your life choices matter to him more than anyone else.
Everyone since everyone is in close proximity. I don’t even play this game and I know this shit :P
So Australians aren’t allowed to play this game in your book and neither are Beyonce and Rhianna fans??
Why not just turn on your AC and drown them out?
So a public park is a sensitive area?? So could you hook Nintendo up with a reputable Geo-Fencer contractor??
Rofl these people are fucking pathetic.
Jokes on you since they’re remaking Oceans 11 with an all female cast. Sadly they could only drum up 8 competent female actors hence why the film is called Oceans Ocho
See I completely support this guy leaving this bitch. She deserves to be alone with the dozens of children she was never meant to have
I’m a loser because I stay out late and have a good time? Wow I never knew!!! I guess I’ll start turning in at 8 PM to sit alone at my house so I can be more like you!
Fuck those people in the apartments! If you’re going to be so enraged by a person’s good time that you’re going to assault them then you’re a bit touched in the head
Oh Hellz Yeah! I’d be over-joyed if random hot chicks started congregating in front of my house looking for Pokemon
Only if it’s yours.
Nah I’m a hipster and play Pokemon on a Gameboy like real fans, I’m just trying to defend peoples’ right to enjoy themselves
Rofl why are you lambasting me when you made your comment at 5:33 in the morning. Shouldn’t you be in bed for work