
Why does it matter if they’re black??

I hate this woman, just from that show. She’s what’s wrong with society;

This game came out a gen ago, how can you write about it as if it came out on the SNES.

Yeah Luke you defend the silence of old fuddy duds!!!!

The world is inclusive. Handicapped people can play this game (my brother is missing a leg and he’s doing alright), this article is unneeded and just desperate for attention

My brothers are handicapped and enjoying the game so...........

Fuck off Kotaku, are you literally trying to ruin peoples’ fun.

If people are still alive who experienced said “history” it is only in danger of being lost because we’re morons who can’t remember anything.

Rofl do they really think that this is going to be a positive addition to gaming??

The problem is that American culture is trying to appeal to China instead of, you know, America.

Fuck you and your anti-Nintendo spin Patrick.

They just wanted your clicks so they picked something relevant, and it worked look at all these stars.

You people are fucking moronic.

You’re too busy to watch a 12 minute video on Youtube??

I get the sense it was a budget issue.

I wish I had the power to whine on the internet in article form.

Why are you turning this back on me? You proved you had NO idea what Morgan Freeman was referencing and helped to point out your own ignorance about something you profess to care for (race relations), and I was trying to explain to you what the more wise and elder Morgan Freeman meant. I asked you a simple question

Getting to the end of a level isn’t a waste of time.

Rofl wanna know the secret to making your game wildly popular??

I too am optimistic about the addition of bodily fluids to this game :)