
Well then, your thoughts are duly noted. Twat!

That is the very definition of a false equivalency. It’s nothing at all like your example. Dark Crimes has not been released yet. Nothing your saying makes a fucking bit of sense so just stop and re-examine why you felt the need to comment to begin with as you’ve brought absolutely nothing to the table other than some

The author expressed his opinion that Jim’s movies aren’t comedic lately and wishes he would go back to that. I expressed my opinion that the author should go fuck himself for what I deem his selfish, juvenile opinions.

C’mon, that is lazy trolling!

That Jim Carrey is evident in these newer interviews and even moreso in Jim and Andy on Netflix. That is a must watch!

Agreed, but that is not what the article is referencing. The author is specifically talking about his comedic movies, not his dramas, and wishing he would go back to THAT shit.

“Aside from the expected joking and general shenanigans that follow the modern Jim Carrey everywhere he goes (except, unfortunately, his

You’re seriously giving Jim shit because he doesn’t want to play the dumb clown for you peasants anymore?! He’s said more meaningful shit in the last few interviews than the entire rest of his public life. Go fuck yourself.

Maybe some of youse can just fucking leave already! We’re full up in California and if you’re a Republican, move out of here and into the sticks where you belong.

Trash emoji times infinity.

Could someone just paste the list in text form? Fuck’s sake, it’s Monday.

I know, the TRUTH is fucking shocking when you hear it, right?

You’re a rerun.

Don’t bother trying. I get your point, but the other responses are being willfully obtuse and are not interested in an actual dialog, but rather just harvesting social outrage. Which is the entire reason this worthless article exists, to generate outrage and clicks.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

Come again?

“It suggests even she would find the controversy ridiculous.”

In that they make perfect sense as one possible interpretation of the artist’s intentions...

That’s what stupid people like to tell themselves to feel better.

You’re both wrong. The explanations are incredibly satisfying.

There is a place in LA that sells Wagyu and we’ve been getting it for the past few months. It’s far better than average beef. One time we did regular beef and wagyu in the same meal and no one wanted the regular. It’s noticeable...