
Hey, evangelicals?

Isn’t that the symbol you make in middle school that, if you get someone to look at, you punch them in the arm?

In his defense, if my teenage past were to resurface, I would have t...oh wait, I’ve never been a racist scumbag. Nevermind.

I would heartily recommend listening to How Did This Get Made. Co-host Jason Mantzoukas is the real star of it, but Scheer and his wife June Diane Raphael are great on it too in their own ways.

Opiod addiction, massive narcissim. Former was confirmed this week by Ebro, latter was confirmed by Kanye himself in a Tweet. All of this is because “[he] couldn’t get anything done with Obama”, i.e. Obama entertained every celebrity but Kanye and called him a jackass on national TV. By the logic of the enemy of my

Vote out all the Republicas. It’s the only way.

Yep, this is just petty bitter slander from Rafi. He’s lucky he’s not really a journalist, because this sort of shit should cost him a job.

Obviously you didn’t get to Madhusudan Katti’s section....

There is, however, one high-profile Democrat who seems willing to have Pompeo serve as America’s top diplomat: Hillary Clinton, who has reportedlybeen consulting with Pompeo for his potential stint in the State Department. Cool!

Melania chose this. My sympathy is near nill, Boy Gorge was exactly what was written on the tin, and I’m sure language was no barrier in understanding what that meant. So while she might be a decent person I’m sure that her reasons for marrying the turd had nothing to do with decency.

ive recommended this book on this site a bunch but: Dark Money by Jane Mayer is a revelation concerning wingnuts, their cash and their endless victim complexes. If you havent read it i highly recommend it.

one of the only good things about trump and his whole circle is that it puts lie to the (always obvious) fiction that rich ppl are smart. There is little correlation b/n intelligence and wealth. Maybe someone in the family tree at some point was smart and did something worthwhile but much of the wealth and the

I never understand these rich people who still want to be working when they’re in their late 60s.

You like seeing Alex Jones’ face?

“And exactly how do you know that?”

Have you ever watched locked up abroad? It terrifying.

A picture of a naked dog is NSFW? I know I work for some puritanical assholes, but I’m pretty sure even they would be ok with it...

Everything about this article, with the exception of those shitty stickers, is