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Cop should’ve got the skateboard to the head...

Got ya!

I drink Corona all the time now .I can drink a six pack and still be perfectly functional. Two IPAs and I’m asleep for the rest of the week.

Thandie was on her own wavelength, which was fine, but I thought he did a good job of just keeping things moving past the awkward moments with the mics and all that. I saw a short snippet of another Q&A on the press tour and the other moderator seemed to lack a pulse.

Scheer was the moderator at the Westworld season 2 screening in LA and was solid. Never heard his podcast, but he handled the job in front of the crowd and cast really well.

Goddammit, you can’t do ANYTHING without other people trying to interfere.

I completely agree and said so in my comment that the escalation was not her fault. That is not my point though... She knows a confrontation is coming, she’s on private property and she’s still resisting. It’s totally understandable why she is resisting, this is racist bullshit that they are trying to charge her for

I don’t think either of us should use the word “clearly” here to be fair.

I agree, stop the madness. But let’s also stop the bullshit. This woman should have bounced when her friend said “let’s go”, that was her chance to get out of this bullshit.

I’m not saying that what happened was her fault because she stayed. It

The majority of citizens in this country have no ability to think at anything higher than a binary level.

Kitchen Nightmares is the trashy one where he screams at everyone. That is the crap show for the simpleton peasants who like watching shit like Maury and Geraldo.

Because you’re a simpleton. Life is way more complex than that, maybe one day you will grow up and be put in a situation where that truth is illuminated for you.

Yeah this is all kinds of wrong, no excuse, but I still can’t stand your hypocrisy... She IS struggling! She is not being compliant, obviously! Her friend at one point just says “let’s leave” and she just fucking should have! It’s not a white or a black thing to just make the choice to avoid the confrontation when you

Where exactly is he wrong? You didn’t get excited about Hillary the way you did with Obama. Perfectly fucking understandable, Obama is one of the finest presidents the world has ever seen. But because you didn’t care about the two white people running, you didn’t vote and Trump won! You’re not “to blame” but you

Those people and others less vomit-inducing, but still wealthy, absolutely loathe to admit that their fortunes are largely based on luck.

Why would you infect someone with HIV with the intention of later fucking them?

hmmf. Ok fair point. I retract.

Holy shit, you have faux-outrage spittle all over your face... twat!

These dumb-fuck commenters can’t read and don’t believe in science. All they want is to harvest social outrage, regardless of reality. This is a prank gone wrong and the wrong part is where the homeless guy was bright enough to realize there was a payday here. Good for him, but these pearl-clutching fucks can bounce

Fuck outta here with your fearmongering bullshit. A 9 year old would have to eat an entire tube of the shit to die so I highly doubt one oreo cookie is going to do shit.

“He told police that when he found out that Kanghua was famous online he began to fear for his life.”

Bulllllllshiiiiiiit!!!! As soon as he found out