
YMMV as always. Haven’t seen too many glitches myself...

These commenters... For a bunch of people that watch violent humans kick the shit out of each other, you sure are clutching those pearls mighty fucking tight! I mean for fuck’s sake, this doesn’t even register as a blip on Philly fans level of fuckery...

Yes, because we don’t have to look at his doughy face, his voice with a monosyllabic character is the best role he’s ever had.

Agreed, I’m enjoying Far Cry 5: Just Cause quite a bit!

“I tried to shoot a bunch of bad guys from the back of the car while being pegged with bullets I couldn’t dodge.”

What, you wanted G.I. Joe bullets?

I’m pretty sure Paul Walker is the default male character model.

There’s no such thing as cowardice to a capitalist. It’s all just strategy.

It doesn’t matter, you likely won’t get camping reservations there anyway. Get up six months in advance with 10 browser windows open along with phones and it still sells out in 5 minutes flat. Wawona at best!

um, can I have some of that acid you’re on?

For the reasons I stated. He’s not having a moment because he is comedically talented, he’s having a moment because he picks fights with entities more famous than himself in order to leverage himself into the conversation. aka he’s just a shrewd opportunist, not a talent.

And you sound like a twat.

As a public figure, I judge him by his actions. He might be a nice guy in person, but he’s still an unfunny twat! I’ll give him credit for being smart enough to pick fights with people more famous than him in order to leverage himself into the public conversation. That’s his real talent, not comedy.

Hannibal Burress is a worthless, unfunny twat. The only way he can keep himself in the press is with these lame publicity stunts.

Oh good, another thesis paper from the professor. Fuck’s sake, you love your own voice! I don’t really disagree with you here, but you could have truncated this ridiculous screed down to just your last paragraph and called it good.

You’ve slept with 100 males, yet you don’t get treated with respect by any men. I wonder why?!? It’s not calculus, folks. It’s not slut-shaming either. But if you’re sleeping with that many people, then you are unstable in one way or another, full stop.

Is it chemically possible for you to let someone else have the last word or are you so mentally imbalanced that you are compelled to reply to every comment as you have on this article? You have no likes, your trolling is weak and it’s obvious no one wants you here...

This is really weird... it’a almost like sex sells or something?

I love it when hack writers pen their own headlines because they are still closeted edgelords. Weak!

Someone doesn’t know how to read or shut their mouth when the discussion is over. Forever alone!

Celebrities say they like things mainly to expand their marketability and popularity. Saying they like anime means they’ve heard of Akira but would like you to pay to see their movie because now you think that you have something in common with them.