
You’re a 12 year old edgelord wannabe. You’re so fucking stupid you don’t have the first clue about agriculture or what is wasteful, like say almonds, you absolute fucking dolt. Try to grow up to be something other than a useless piece of shit troll like you are now. You’re not even good at trolling!

You’re a lunatic, with no basis for being so aggressively stupid and wrong about literally everything you’ve spewed on here. Hold this L, you clown.

You obviously don’t know dick about anything being discussed here. Go play in the road while the grown-ups talk.

This is bullshit pure and simple. If you look at the stats, individual water use is NOTHING in comparison to agriculture. People watering their gardens are not causing the water crisis, it’s farming. So they can take those restrictions and stick them up their ass.

Lego games, the end. My 4 yr old can beat levels by himself after a week of playing it.


I had read a report saying that is exactly what they are planning to do...

You can’t possibly be a skier or boarder then.

Plenty. The mountains are huge.

Alex Guerrero would be the best...

Just like no one gives a shit about your interpretation of his tweet.

Nah. You’re bringing your narrative to it, nothing more. I know, you probably fucking LIVE to be offended so have at it. As a liberal dem, I don’t know who I hate more these days, MAGA idiots or Offense-culture fools like yourself. Hell is other people, no doubt about that.

I like how you see words that people didn’t say. like “more” for instance.

So basically, you want revenge. Just admit you’re a sociopath.

That’s how little you understand anything. They are all hiding shit, you utter fool!

It wouldn’t matter, nothing is satisfactory to you vultures.

Yeah why don’t all these men just go die somewhere so the world will be a perfect utopia with only morally superior bloggers. You people are fucking crazy! I’m a lifelong liberal democrat but you are out of your fucking minds!

As judged by whom? The fucking internet?
