
You’re a garbage writer, covering a garbage subject. You can go fuck yourself with this PC bullshit. And btw, I’m a liberal democrat! You just fucking suck, period!

Guys like this make this same exact joke on every article, by every water-cooler, etc. The content of the joke is not the point, it’s more about “look at me, I said a buzzword and made a dad-funny!”

I’ll cut it down to one sentence for you...

If you’re making numbnut jokes about Crypto now, you’ll most certainly be

DePalma’s movies are great, but he blows the landing every time. So many great starts and fizzled endings...

I’m loving this so much...

These guys are nice in person, they used to live on my street and filmed some stuff there. However, they are really really unfunny. Like, I feel bad about how unfunny they are.

So basically you’re a fucking idiot without even the most rudimentary reading comprehension skills.

Are you looking for “sense” in politics? This is about perception and brinkmanship. I think you should take a sip of that skepticism you displayed in your previous post...

His point is that the Democrats are perpetually Pete Carroll in Super Bowl 49. They’re going to blow it no matter how good a position they get.

This right here is the “real” Jezebel. Jez is not an ally for women or part of #MeToo in a constructive way, it’s about being outraged and harvesting clicks on the back of that outrage machine. Jezebel is a fucking gross trick.

And you’re trolling.

“This world is the will to power—and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power—and nothing besides!”

When you time it right so you get that fresh batch of orange chicken...

It’s not fucked up at all that he is playing by himself. Not everything in life is going to fit your narrative of what is right and give you the happy ending that you will no doubt not be satisfied with either. If you have to prepare yourself in any way for a super bowl halftime show and experience actual

I literally hate Trader Joes and my wife fucking loves it! Why go to a grocery store that will inevitably force you to go to another grocery store to get everything you need? Just go to the other one and be done with it! #manlogic

Yes, it’s definitely all over. Nothing to see here. Keep your money out of crypto for the foreseeable future! KthnxBye!

Isn’t there a third option?

Don’t hurt yourself reaching there, pal.

Rose is NOT the one you want to lead this charge. She’s already a liability and it’s just going to get worse...

And nearly every successful person has had a stroke of luck that enables their success. The the truly top-tier successful people? Every single one of them was fucking lucky.

Things every man you’ve ever lived with or loved, RANKED!