
Sure we do. A solid swell. Sharks, bodies, bacteria, doesn’t matter, we’ll be out there.

Still trash without Budden.

Yep, drop that buzzkill controller asap.

They will have their chance when they try something even sketchier, climbing K2 in the dead of winter. They’ll be lucky to survive, I imagine they don’t truly expect everyone to come home from that trip.

Thank you for sharing your personal beliefs, we’re all enriched. However, you obviously don’t know dick about climbing or mountains or why people do any of these things so your opinion is of no value to anyone but yourself.

I haven’t touched a microwave in over a decade. A good toaster oven makes it completely irrelevant.

You can buy mansions and Ferraris RIGHT NOW with it though.

You are quite resistant to being corrected! The difference between medical and recreational, in the real world, is about $20. Otherwise, the EXACT SAME PRODUCT! Come on, bud, no one is talking about synthetic. Not looking for a mea culpa, looking for you to do your research better next time. Are you actually a

Again, you are incorrect and this can easily be proven in the real world. I can take a 1 minute walk down to any shop to prove you wrong. You could talk to any grower to have them prove you wrong. “Medicinal” and “recreational” are marketing terms. Some strains of marijuana have high THC content and others do not, but

“If adults can’t deal, imagine the experience for kids who can’t begin to understand what is happening to them.”

I can imagine that it is a lot less stressful for kids than it is for adults because they don’t overthink it. I used to love taking acid in college, but the thought of taking it now, 20 years later, is

There is no difference between “medical” and “recreational” weed, that is the part that is untrue. It’s the same exact shit.

Actually Nik001 had a reasonable question. Last I checked being gay is not a “racial or ethnic culture”. So maybe check yourself before you wreck yourself, you shit-stirrer.

Force Majeure was SO good.

Save this post, I have a feeling we might come back to it in 6 months, lol!

yes, Minecraft unplugged.

Speaking of drinking... Might be a little “drunj” yourself, bud!

haha I don’t think you know the definitions of the words you are using or, as is typical, you are being intellectually dishonest. Again, there is nothing inherently wrong with having an agenda. Yes, you are still a fool.

Despite coming in too hot and harsh with my initial comments, I appreciate your patience and the ensuing dialog. Hope you have a good day!

This entire paragraph is absolutism.

yeah that’s why you always hear about us stockpiling guns and running around in cammo onesies for adults.