
Yes, but you were also replying to the original comment, rather than the article itself, and the comment is part and parcel of what I am referring and responding to. I understand what you’re saying, which is why I tried to clarify with my reply to you. So in summation, this article is bullshit, but I completely agree

Um, it’s obvious and exactly what the OP was talking about. Try and keep up and please don’t be intellectually dishonest like you’re trying to do here.

That is your interpretation only that it is performative, not fact.

I realize I was replying directly to you, but I really meant to direct my comment at the collective commenters and writers on here in general. There have been two articles already since last night bashing men about keeping their mouths shut, after weeks of articles bashing men for opening their mouths. From the

Both the OP and your response can be true. David Harbour was a dipshit for not paying attention in the least, but come the fuck on already. There’s a lot of one-sided-ness to all of this trend, like some people think the only answer is to replace men entirely. Oprah gave one of the only speeches last night that had

Fuck off! Every parent calls their kids little monkeys regardless of color, gender, nationality or beer preference. Just fuck off with this constant bullshit.

How’s their trust in the process?


yes getting the agent of the best player to play the game ever barred is a SOUND strategy.

Also, you’re onto something with “everyone is incompetent” but it’s not just football, try the entire fucking world. Humans are basically terrible at everything.


Spread the word! The fewer of us “morons” out there that get it, the better!

okay, she’s been great, but Rose is not going to be a shining leader of some new movement.

Ironically, Boar’s Head Muenster smells dreamy! Yes, yes internet, I know it’s not the same thing.

Define “quite a bit” because there’s basically no way your story checks out.

Or she just stopped randomly in your proximity and you romanticized the encounter entirely.

My OCD would also like a word with whomever allowed that extra pixel to be absent.

You ruthless humble-bragging hipster you...

Cardi B. > Nicki Minaj all day. It’s not about her rap skills, she is just way more fun of a person. Just like Post Malone is way more fun than say Kendrick.

Are you kidding? Get real, bounce this bitch!

Yeah this Star Wars perfectly encapsulates our world in 2017. Everyone left is an insufferable douchebag and there are no heroes in sight.