
Nevermind the bombs, where are the destroyed ships sinking to? wtf? Force Gravity?

My comment is a “fuck you” to the hack author of this headline.

“you don’t feel bad about your own life, because the extent of their requests are so over-the-top that you end up feeling better about your own choices.”

Right I guess all these guys should just die immediately, that’s the only solution harpies like you will accept.

Yes, thanks for once. How about the rest of the time? You want a cookie, vote every time like the rest of us.

I think you were on your way to making a good point but you just barely missed it. It’s perfectly believable that these harassers wouldn’t remember the incidents, because it didn’t affect them in any emotional way, so why would they remember it? The reason we are holding people guilty in the court of public opinion is

Bahahah! Got ya again! You can’t help it! Fucking cunt!

I got one for you, take a looksee:

You cannot resist! I am laughing my ass off, you worthless cunt!

How do you have room in your basement for all these L’s?