
hahahahahaha! Like clockwork!

Only a narcissist has to have the last word, particularly after being embarrassed the way you have been. So go ahead, cunt, I know you can’t resist.

You got zero stars, loser. Take your L and go home to mommy.

Prove you wrong? You’ve already proved you’re a worthless cunt for all to see. Keep on proving.

What is your fucking problem? Stop projecting whatever revenge fantasy you have of your boss on me, you worthless cunt.

Nothing else like it. Still utterly amazing.

Yes as the director of my dept, I am constantly babbling nonsense. I should probably just stay in my lane and let my co-workers guess at what they should be doing. You’ve nailed it. With that sort of insight and business acumen, maybe some day they will promote you to manager at McDonald’s.

Feather vests and misogyny. Nice combo you’ve got there pal. I’m a guy and plenty of guys in this office complain when it’s 50 degrees out and the AC is still running.

Same here and I ave grown to fucking hate it. How many times have you been standing and talking to a colleague in an open office and someone just waltzes up and interrupts without the slightest thought? Not to mention half the office freezing their asses off because a few sweatbags are in there forcing the temps down

Perhaps this is a tad petty, but this is all really really delicious to see Eli go out of the league like a dog when he came in like a bitch.

Fuck’s sake people. The word is simply a mechanism of power now and black people leverage it as such. That’s fine by me, but let’s all stop pretending with this other bullshit. It was created to be derogatory and now it’s been re-branded by the black community to be wielded in a social setting, troll white people and

My gosh, they are just relentless edge lords aren’t they? Radiohead was great, but they are way past their expiration date. And their more recent shows are deadly boring as fuck and you all know it.

That’s the correct question. The OP is just demonstrating a continuing lack of understanding about what Bitcoin and Blockchain is. The entire fucking point of it is that there is no central authority, numb nuts.

As a fellow LSD user, read the stories. I didn’t mean to imply it was about the drug, it’s that he used it in manipulative ways.

I mean, maybe now he is but he’s notorious for LSD use and lechery in his youth.

CLEARLY the implication, don’t be intellectually dishonest. What else about it would be off-putting if not for the sexual implications? Human contact? GTFOH

EVERY TOUCH is not sexual you goddamn ridiculous fucking puritans.