
Yeah we should probably refrain from touching anyone we don’t know ever. Everything is sexual harassment. No more incidental contact, either. If we’re on a bus and have to get past someone, use the flame thrower before you dare touch them on the shoulder. Fuck outta here with that bullshit.

So basically, “settle” and be happy? There are many things one can want and desire that are neither frivolous nor cheap, like competent child education for one.

Jezebel in its entirety, of course.

How is it working for Julian? Do you bring him snacks?

It’s not an assumption, everyone here saw it. You embarrassed yourself, now take your L and go home.

It’s not an assumption, everyone here saw it. You embarrassed yourself, now take your L and go home.

Cool. Maybe next time don’t jump right to “high-horse asshole” in your comments and you’ll have fewer humiliating apologies.

Cool. Maybe next time don’t jump right to “high-horse asshole” in your comments and you’ll have fewer humiliating

One less shitbird rapist in the world is a win for everyone. He’ll end up rotting away soon enough.

Some of this is a direct response to parents buying video games in the early days and kids like me beating the entire thing on day one! Parents want more “value” and eventually so did the fans. You routinely hear people bitching about 5 hour campaigns being way too short and so the message to devs is “more is better”.

Lap it up, suckers.

Because this site is nothing but manipulation maybe? Jez is not a fucking “ally” to feminists, it’s just another business preaching a marketing facade to a choir of simpletons for page hits.

Never been to the Hollywood Bowl then? Bringing in your own wine and food is half the experience!

Not a good look for you. Once again, getting your ass handed to you by real journalists. You ever get tired of it?

Please post a video of you trying this tactic with Trump supporters. Kthxbye!

Let’s stop educating the naysayers and jokers. Let them sit outside in the cold while the rest of us warm ourselves by the fire.

Is it better to clear things up for people? Or can we just let the dismissive casuals miss out on this whole thing entirely for once until it’s too late and they cannot get in the game? Please be skeptical, please keep your money out of crypto! We’ll take it from here...

Fuck’s sake, Sean. You just got owned by someone with vastly more knowledge on the subject than you. Take your L like a professional.

I guess you’ve made all the right choices, perfecto.

Right and if they defend themselves in any way, then fuck those stupid men!

ugh, do not bother trying to have an actual conversation with the people on this site. They are not hear to discuss these things calmly and work on making relations between men and women better, they are here to rile people up, point out how incredibly terrible men are, and feast on those feelings of hatred. Jezebel

Your husband sounds like a sissy.