
Google Himmm...

I’m not talking about this guy at all, I’m talking about the reality of human nature in relation to power. People like to perpetuate these myths about things and that prevents one from seeing reality for what it is. “power only amplifies who you are, it doesn’t change you”, “if only there was a good guy with a gun

“Knowing you can get away with it doesn’t turn you into a criminal.”

True, but not at all what is being discussed here.

Sadly true. He will still be rich as hell after all this. He’s already fleeing to Europe where there will be countless people who don’t know or don’t care about his previous behavior...

You couldn’t be more wrong that it only amplifies who you already are. That is a comically simplistic viewpoint of power.

It’s not about willingness when you have money and power... I don’t think you understand what real power is and the mechanics of it. To be fair, most people don’t, it’s an abstraction... because most people don’t wake up with the ability to do whatever they want, when they want, how they want.

Not defending his statement per se, but you don’t believe money and power corrupts?

Make better comments.

Armenian I suppose...?

So, basically, everyone?

Tried camping?

Assuming you can get a reservation that is. The valley sells out faster than a Radiohead concert.

I fucking hate Trump with every fiber of my being but you guys are being fucking pansies. It was just bad timing and bad luck, stop being ridiculous babies.

Just came here to say fuck you Joe Lieberman you traitorous twat! Spineless sack of shit fake Democrat. Fuck Chait while I’m at it and all these disingenuous scum. Phew!

limp trolling at best.

Yeah, enjoy the uphill battle on this one. Ain’t no one got time for that shit.

Try having some money and you’ll get it.

Ok obviously you have a dog in the sync fight, but that’s just one of the two links I posted...