
Does my comment look grey, you simpleton chucklefuck?

Still doing the “first” thing, really? Kill yourself.

LCD is trash. And you goiters still lap it up even after he admitted to straight up lying about the band breaking up for the sake of... sales. Garbage music, garbage humans.

“When Tyrion spies Jon going into Daenerys’ room, he lurks in the hallway outside, and the music turns a bit sinister. Is he worried this is going to cause a problem for Daenerys or the alliance? Or is something else going on?” reposting my comment from another article mainly because I want to discuss feasibility

I’ve only seen one person comment on this (on the Deadline review) but I think what tipped the meeting for Cersei and Tyrion was the pregnancy. Tyrion was awkwardly trying to get Dany to talk about succession the previous episode. That conversation felt so contrived at the time, but what if the deal Tyrion made was to

hahaha, thank you, I needed a good laugh to start my week :)

Sorry folks, the wigs do help. It’s fun and makes everything not so serious. Rather than reading her erotic fiction, I wrote some for her and we read it together. What is wrong with all your households where your man is not doing housework? That’s easily the most common reply, what is the chore epidemic about. I was

Yep, you know me so well!

Not defensive, just looking for actual advice, not stock Jezebel bullshit responses. Those of you responding, aside from burner2yourmom, are making hideous assumptions.

Our child isn’t quite old enough to go away for the weekend yet. Hasn’t even had a sleepover...

1) I do my share and she does hers. I help more when she is extra busy and she does the same for me. Don’t assume my situation is like others. Keep your personal projections to yourself.

My situation is kind of a flip on the last letter. Wife and I have been together for quite some time, I have been doing everything in my power to spice things up. Costumes, wigs, funny sexual letters, silly shit, spontaneity, etc. My wife just seems totally satisfied with vanilla sex, even after ten years, but I’m a

The only thing they have in common is that they’re loaded with pussy...

But isn’t that the truth? Love IS fragile... Co-dependency is quite resilient though.

As someone who is generally honest to a fault, I think that honesty should be looked at more as a tool, just like lying should be. They both have their place and there are innumerable times in life where it would be better for everyone to lie and other times where it is terrible for everyone to tell the truth. So as

Well, it’s certainly not going to be you. Clearly you’re not “somone” qualified. Cutler Stans are the fucking worst!

Wow, you are quite the Cutler fan! Don’t hurt yourself replying to every post or anything...

Whoosh goes the vaccination joke... right past most of em!

Yeah just as much potential as McGregor beating Mayweather.

Citation - his stats and demeanor for literally any year he played with the Bears. Just because he has a good arm, doesn’t mean he is talented or cares. 500 days of Kristen has been more compelling than his entire career.