
As a Bears fan, this is all so delicious!

This movie was so much better than Wonder Woman. Atomic Blonde was just raw female power on display, no explanations or bullshit needed. Joan Wick. Wonder Woman felt like a saccharine after-school special in comparison, covering some similar thematic ground.

Has anyone tried going back and watching The West Wing after watching House of Cards? It’s basically impossible. TWW’s tone is like an episode of Alf in comparison.

Are you kidding? As a country we watched 27 kids killed and half the country didn’t bat an eye. I realize that is an apples and oranges comparison, so you gun-twats don’t have to go into defensive mode over it. Point being, America and humans enjoy violence and football won’t go anywhere anytime soon.

Exactly. Developers are already construction happy with the zoning changes. They are going to do their very best to siphon as much money out of this as they can.

Maybe she’s a Seahawks fan?

I took my European wife to the first game last year. Cowboys / Rams, she’s a Galatasaray fan. She had never been on the metro here in LA and wanted to take that down to the coliseum. I told her it’s probably a bad idea, even in the middle of the day, but sure. I wanted her to get the full experience.

So of course were

You’re the kind of guy who calls in sick for Taco Tuesday. I’m cool with that.

Watching baseball on TV is like living life as a tree, slowly petrifying.

“(i.e., shameless Trump dick riding)“
There’s that black homophobia! Why not Trump ass-kissing? How do you ask for equality and respect, yet turn right around and try to shit on another group of people dealing with discrimination in the very same breath?

Ravens Stans are gonna be out in force on this one.

Also, was this dog and pony show on Qyburn’s schedule for the day or do they just leave the ballista loaded at all times?

Yeah but it only works in their favor, not the audience...

Because budgets are endless on prestige shows and capitalism is meaningless in the movie business?!??!?

He would’ve gotten away with it if someone hadn’t tipped off the police...

There’s literally nothing an animal has ever done that could come close to the depravity of humans but feel free to keep trying to find it!

Clearly still more nobility than what humans are capable of, for reasons NOT driven by their inherent nature/biology.

Do we? I was born in 77, all I know is he won a lot of titles.

Don’t worry, the animals still have nobility to separate them from us.