
Nope. Just a mild bertation.

Keep in mind, though, that all of the boat-jumper's buddies are still in the water...

It certainly isn't articulating thoughts coherently. Because Jesus Christ that was a bunch of nonsense coming out of his mouth.

Well, they certainly have the first half of the equation covered.

I dunno, this one seems a lot fist-fightier than my straight marriage. It's probably an outlier, though.

Jesus. That’s really terrible. I saw that “protect this house” slogan plastered on the window and wall of an Under Armor outlet a couple of months ago. I thought it had something to do with selling to overweight white suburban buttholes in Oakley blades with a "stand your ground" reference.

Is avoiding answering unpleasant questions by posing your own questions and then answering those ones instead clear evidence that you're full of shit? Yes.

Similarly, Merrily Lupo wasn't actually fired; she just sort of rolled along.

He actually played the role of "useful idiot to bounce the truth off of" pretty well. Though, I suppose Lemon himself would just as easily have sufficed.

Number 443 up there in yellow looks a hell of a lot like Mr. Walsh from 90210.

That's how we give kids their post-soccer-game high fructose corn syrup rations in the US.

I would have been.

Meh. If they're too scared to go against that particular grain, I'd hate to see what other grains on the job these supposedly not so bad cops are too scared to go against.

I agree and I really don't care what anyone wears to any funeral, but I will point out that funerals are for the living that are left behind, not the dead being honored.

That increased mistrust of police also creates a more dangerous situation for the police, which causes police to act worse, which engenders further (justified) mistrust and the whole vicious circle whirls ever faster. Unfortunately, the thing that sucks about the diminishment in revenue from the "unofficial work

Real Genius references are the right call here.

Subtle, but nice.

That joke's as funny now as it was the previous 700 times. Well done.

"Chode-rock." Yup. That's perfect. I guarantee a veritable horde of chodes is at this very moment driving in enormous pickup trucks and practicing this noise.