I have never tried that but it sounds pretty cool. It would be nifty to try and make, like, eight enormous blobs and then set them all against one another.
I have never tried that but it sounds pretty cool. It would be nifty to try and make, like, eight enormous blobs and then set them all against one another.
Agreed. They are using all the tools at their disposal to tell the most emotionally affecting story possible, and those tools include using our knowledge of Mike and Jimmy's fates. I'm looking forward to the show providing more potential off ramps for the two of them, only to see them turn away at ever chance.
And speaking of Doctor Who, I was just thinking about it and I would say that the five episode stretch from "Heaven Sent" through last night's represents the best five consecutive episodes of Nu Who. Granted, it took them nearly a year and a half to get through those five episodes, but still. Good stuff.
That's OK, it took King 35 years to write it.
I knew it looked familiar!
And trailer!
Oh my dear sweet goodness, this The Last Jedi poster.
We've got one here on Tuesday that they've got a better shot in. Trump only won that district by 2 or so. Of course, this district usually goes Republicsn by 20 so the question is if it will have a similar result without Trump actually on the ballot.
Come on, Todd Haynes! Daddy needs those Critical Acclaim points!
To which I would have replied "that's what your mother asked me last night, Trebek!"
Yup. That did the trick for me too.
Chuck is the most devious motherfucker on tv.
But last season was SO GOOD!
I mean, the only way this could have possible been improved was if it started with a record scratch, a freeze frame, and a "yup, that's me". I can't stop watching and I don't want to anyway.
The lack of any "sheeeeeeeeiiiiiitttt"s is the only possible complaint about Pete's Dragon.
The winning combo from Pete's Dragon reunites!
That was but a taste. A sampler. An amuse-bouche of the pain that my teams regularly visit upon me.
You're talking to an Atlanta sports homer. Believe me, I know this only ends in pain. BUT I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!
*checks table*
Reading back on what I wrote, "pearl clutching" was the wrong thing to say. Not only was it dismissive and condescending, but it didn't even accurately describe what was I was seeing. It was perfectly acceptable for people to be upset, dismayed, outraged, or anything else that the phrase "pearl clutching" is meant to…