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So true. The Stepfather, Young Guns, The Cutting EdgeBlind Fury, that “Pegasus” episode of TNG— even before he was on LOST, Terry O’Quinn elevated every scene in which he’s present and The Rocketeer is no exception to that.

Terry O’Quinn is another character ringer who kills it in a small role and his lead-in to the film is a great way to sell how much is now at stake here. Although of course that is topped by his wonderful delivery of “It WILL fly!”

Fight you? Buddy, you and me are gonna be side-by-side firing tommy guns at Nazis, the rate this is going.

If anything, “ridiculously beautiful” somehow sells Connelly short in The Rocketeer.

I’m not going to fight you. I’m going to help you fight people. In fact, I’ll raise you. The Rocketeer is one of the best MOVIES ever. Every single action in film informs character decisions and drives the plot forward. It’s beautiful aesthetically, and it’s god damned gorgeous narrative wise.

One of the reasons why I love Captain America The First Avenger is due to The Rocketeer.

The Rocketeer was one of the best superhero movies ever. Fight me.

Are you kidding me? Get out of here with that bullshit. I can guarantee you it’s not the only experience like this they’ve had, and their careers would have been ruined had they gone public with it. Fuck you and fuck everyone else whose first thought in the face of blatant systemic exploitation of human beings is

No, it’s to punch them until they aren’t Nazis anymore.

It’s fun because it’s ridiculous and revels in its ridiculousness.

SO MUCH PLOT. And could some of it be cut? Absolutely. But honestly, unlike Game of Thrones, I don’t really feel like Outlander has to make it to the end of the book series (honestly, I’m not a huge fan of the post-Voyager books anyhow). There’s no big resolution that you’re waiting for, if you know what I mean. The

Yeah, there’s something to be said about pacing flashbacks out over multiple episodes. Like, watching Frank slowly lose his sanity over the course of almost 2 seasons is why I cared so much when their relationship wasn’t working - I wouldn’t have cared if it were just 15 minutes at the top of an episode.

If it was better paced, I would agree. If one wasn’t a book reader would it feel like scope and breadth if 8 years flash by in a single cut? Am I supposed to be invested in Joe Abernathy when we spend so little time with him? Am I really supposed to feel the disintegration of Claire and Frank’s relationship or am I

Jamie Fraser, fertile as fuck.

I really enjoyed Michael explaining to Jason that they are in the bad place like it didn’t really matter - then it turning out to be not because he was going to do a reset, rather because he knew Jason totally wouldn’t get it.

I think we’ll get it back - the implication of this episode is that the four keep getting to the same place emotionally, over and over.

She wasn’t wrong either time, though.

We’re in Michael’s bad place. I’d bet almost anything on it at this point. He’s being punished. Some (or all) of the other demons might be, too. Sean’s not unaware of what’s going on; he’s the real architect. And at the rate this show burn through plot, that might be confirmed next week.

The golden rule in The Good Place writers’ room seems to be “Never put off until next episode, that which you can do this episode.”

I think it was one of the comments on this site that predicted that Michael would team up with the four at the end of this season. Who knew Mike Schur and the gang blew this show up so early in the season. Can’t wait to see what happens next.