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No fight. It was and is a spectacular superhero movie. I remember reading that Disney was planning on building a franchise around it if it was successful, with sequels and theme park attractions and all that jazz, but it just got swallowed up that summer. Opening two weeks after City Slickers, one week after Robin

Between this article and the Screencrush article that just posted about The First Avenger, this is a very big day for my very specific love of WWII set, Joe Johnston directed comic book adaptations.

It’s fun because it leans into the fact that the Legends are terrible at their job. It’s more fun to see a bunch of amateurs get by on little more than the superhero equivalent of duct tape and flop sweat than it is to see highly competent superheroes be highly competent.

Samurai Jackass was a perfectly acceptable nickname. Can’t believe Cisco was so dismissive of it.

That’s kind of the impression I’m getting. My fiance has read the books and she said book three is basically the A Storm of Swords of the Outlander series. Every week she’s talking about how there is SO MUCH PLOT to get through. Based on what we’ve seen, I’d be more than happy with things slowing down to really dive

They’ve made some weird pacing/structure choices this season. Not just taking several episodes to get to where we were with last season’s flashfoward, but putting Jamie and Claire on asymmetrical timelines as well .

Punny food options seen in this episode, ranked:

It’s so rare to find a show that can truly and regularly surprise its audience. The Good Place is that show, and you pinpointed the reason why.

Gah. Hit post by accident and there’s no edit button. Kinja!

As a non-book reader, I’m a fan of Frank as a character. He’s a pretty progressive guy for the 50s, he’s intelligent, he’s a relatable and grounded guy in a heightened and fantastical show, he devoted himself to a child that wasn’t his, and we were introduced to him by having him go down on Claire in a Scottish


Justice for Frank! Frank was right! Frank did nothing wrong! OK maybe he did a couple things wrong but he still deserved better!

I didn’t have any problem with John making a move on Jamie either. He’s a closeted gay British military officer in the 1700s, which is to say he’s PRETTY repressed. He and Jamie had just shared an intimate emotional moment and he reached out to see if there was more to it. Jamie showed him there wasn’t in a pretty

Not sure why it replied to the wrong post. This was supposed to be a reply to the comment that started the thread. Kinja!

I would totally buy the Black Jack side of things if the show would make that point either textually or subtextually. <i>Outlander</i> has never shied away from making Claire’s thought processes incredibly explicit (count me on Team No Voiceover), but there hasn’t been the slightest indication that her coldness

Oh finally, someone else who is rooting for Frank! I thought I was the only one. I find him to be incredibly sympathetic, and I feel like the show has gone too far towards making him a likable character. I know I’m supposed to be rooting for Claire and Jamie to get back together because it’s a TV show and they are the

I think I’m good on mobile too.

Test again.

I’m here! I have Kinja! I HAVE KINJA!

Hey, it worked!