He is sooooooo perfect. I originally pegged him for Lyesmith in my fantasy casting, but Wednesday is practically Swearengen redux.
He is sooooooo perfect. I originally pegged him for Lyesmith in my fantasy casting, but Wednesday is practically Swearengen redux.
Smarkamania was LIT. And so was Smarkdown.
The Salesman. With the caveat that have seen none of them.
I was surprised by how small scale War was. It was a single group on a single mission in pretty much a single location. I liked the Cable/X-Force/Bishop issues leading up to it more than the crossover itself, but the crossover was fun. Deadpool outta nowhere!
I'm not really sure what part of my comment warranted that.
Gonna be some impressive mental gymnastics on display here soon.
I should step away from it for a while, or at least go back to tweetdeck and its reliable muting capabilities.
All the pop culture folks I follow are climbing into bunkers and making their peace with God. All the political folks I follow are calling this what it is, which is a Clintonesque bid to raise approval numbers by bombing an unfriendly regime. Russia was notified we were doing this, so chill the fuck out. Bombs aren't…
Yeah, I'm not opposed to it in theory, and it's something Obama should have done years ago, but I don't trust him to handle it well in the slightest. This strikes me as something he's doing because it feels right and somebody needs to be punished and not because there's an actual plan behind it.
At least you are experiencing it. That puts you ahead of a shocking number of Americans.
…did anybody want this? It sounds like the rare attack where nobody is happy.
The jokes comparing 30 Rock to the administration have gotten way too accurate.
Did Leonard come up with this advertising campaign? We are talking about it and there is no such thing as bad press.
See, this is why I didn't go to my prom.
…and Rick Perry is on.
All we really got was that Peggy's brother, who everybody thought died in WW2, may not actually have died/may be some mysterious circumstances surrounding his death or somesuch.
Don't worry, this was all part of his plan. He de-operationalized it! You hear that? The NSC is no longer operational! BEHOLD HIS POWER!
Oooh, tough one.
It's been pretty damn good so far!
Yes. Yes it is.