SG Standard

I wonder what scenes from seasons 4-6 would make the cut if we did that again? "Here's your sperm" is the first one that comes to mind. Probably something from Meow Meow Beenz as well.

Cool! That's what I was hoping for. I downloaded the free trial and it is overwhelming, to say the least, but if I can figure out CK2 I can figure out anything.

I choose to believe regardless of how doctored that image looks.

Pshaw! Pshaw says I!

They've been trying to trick it up too much lately instead of just letting people play the game. I get how a show in its 30whatevereth season needs to keep things fresh, but I love the pure gameplay so much.

As much as I may love Atlanta United, I will never love them as much as I would have had they been named Stankonia F.C.

Oh geez. My city just got a soccer team, I've got $100 in Steam gift cards to spend, and I've just started playing video games more often again. I think this is gonna happen.

It was dumb.

Uh oh.

I'm afraid I've got some bad news…

I missed Survivor but my brother told me about it. High grade BS. JT remains terrible at the game.

I'm blasting the Empire Strikes Back soundtrack through my ear buds. They aren't as effective at blocking out the bloviating and they aren't exactly comfortable, but they beat the alternative.

Almost Famous is one of my favorite movies. Top five caliber. If you love music, you'll love it.

Of all the days to be stuck in a car dealership waiting room with a TV showing nothing but CNN and my noise cancelling headphones still at the office…at least I can rank movies to distract me!


Bequeathings? Bequeathings? Bequeathings?

Ok now I'm on my phone and it doesn't even give me the option to log in with my AVC account. Ruh roh.

It doesn't need to be said, but what Federer is doing is utterly incomprehensible. People have been writing "The Twilight of Roger Federer" articles for, like, five years now.

No, that was The Magicians.

I don't know about nothing. Even in terms of plot movement some stuff happened. But the show seems far, far more interested in looking at who David is and what is going on inside his head than it is telling a traditional story. It's 99% character, 1% plot.