SG Standard

I've got no complaints. I like having this kind of delirious, obtuse weirdness in my life.

And attractive ones to boot!

Finale. The pilot is a sitcom pilot. All the pieces are there but they haven't come together in the right way yet. The finale is something special, even by Community standards.

It is not known.

I could almost do this exclusively with Lost episodes, but I'll try to restrain myself…

He's an accomplished fellow, Satanism and castration aside.

Y'all should really be playing this game, is the point.

There are fates worse than getting blown up in an alchemical experiment by a cousin.

I had a bad feeling when it took them so long to nail down a showrunner, and when they had the talk of just doing it as a Netflix original movie instead of a series. It didn't sound like they ever had a handle on what they really wanted it to be, and the results seem to have borne that out.

The arc aspect of the show kind of bugged me. 13 episodes is so short that I think they tried to cram too much into too short of a time. It reminded me of S5 of Community where it started strong, then lagged as they restarted things after writing out a major character, then rebounded by the end.

I don't have a Wii U so I will be replaying OOT and MM and hunting down a GameCube so I can play WW in the interim.

Yeah, this is ridiculous. Part of me wants to dismiss it ever so slightly because of nostalgia, but the actual gameplay sounds amazing.

It's been a long time since I had my mouth numbed, and even then they just used the jelly instead of a needle. The needle doesn't bug me as much as the potential weirdness and the presence of a drill carving out pieces of tooth. Plus, I just don't like the thought of having one. My tooth paranoia means I'll be totally

This is what I need to hear.

The classics are classic for a reason.


Haha no worries, it was funny. I've definitely been fortunate.

Remember Todd? He's back! In podcast form!