SG Standard


So I guess they really aren't sorry?

You Vermonster!

That first link would strike even closer to home right now if it weren't for the fact that the Falcons weren't even smart enough to try and run out the clock.

Why do people allow themselves to get happy about any of this? There's nothing anybody can do to stop stuff for at least the next two years. Don't get your hopes up that any of this crap is going to be headed off because someone is "taking another look at it".

I'm Phish Food.

It's cute how far they had to reach for a comparison that made Bannon look good.

Interesting move, considering those 3-5 million illegal votes that were cast.

Several of those deserve much better than "as I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it".

I think I saw that once at a sleepover in middle school. But I strenuously disagree with its conclusions.

At least yours held out for a good price! My senator got bought for $20,800.

1) Mad Max: Fury Road
2) Nope!
3) Aladdin. Seriously, a street rat ain't becoming the crown prince without some serious political blowback.
4) Better hat, duh.
5) Yup.
6) Yup.
7) Yup.
8) Not if they deserve it.
9) The Walking Dead
10) The one about the astronaut ladies?
11) I notice the faces of the well known watches.

Nice move shifting me to my Calvin avatar for that one, Disqus.

Our country sucks.

I can only assume she wanted to go on a date with that guy otherwise she would have NEVER bet on the Falcons.

I agree with all of this. I've been high on Legends since the first trailer dropped way back when, and it's so fun to see it living up to its wacky potential.

There are single sentences in The Silmarillion that could be entire books. He covers the entire Glorious Battle in, like, 12 words or so.

I read an article a couple weeks ago that came to the same conclusion. The gist of it was something like he's clearly repeating talking points that were meant to stay behind closed doors in his speeches. He lacks the mental faculties to separate the things people tell him from the things people tell him to say, or