SG Standard

1) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
2) Raiders of the Lost Ark
3) The Adventures of Robin Hood
4) Singin' in the Rain
5) Hot Fuzz
6) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
7) The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
8) The Lord of the Ring: The Two Towers
9) Sunset Boulevard
10) Star Wars: The Force Awakens

My first hope is that it is technically magnificent and looks great. My second hope is that they manage to figure out basically everything else. So Blade Runner 2049 redux, essentially.

I…I didn't know this was a thing. I'm flabbergasted.

Prince's released output is coming to streaming services. Spotify, Apple Music, etc., etc.

I don't know what is going to make a difference. I don't think than anything I do can demonstrably affect any kind of meaningful change. I'm not an elected official, I have 60 followers on twitter, and I am not trained in the use of firearms and/or explosives. I will not be able to point to change for the good and say

Do any of the other Senators realize that all it takes to be the 2020 frontrunner is to be the most consistent and vocal Trump critic?

Mr. Smith Goes to Outer Space

I would have maybe gotten 4 because I recently read Get Shorty. Other than that I'd have been SOL.

Even putting voter suppression aside I don't think that'll happen. We haven't yet found what it would take to get Democrats to turn out for midterms, and I have accepted that most people are too apathetic to bother. Add in two years of stripping away voting rights? Not gonna happen.

That would be much less astonishing, tbh.

Tough to say. Short term, I don't see the Democrats getting control of the House any time soon. Barring something on the level of Watergate, they may never have the presidency, the House, and the Senate at the same time, so they'll never be able to make the sweeping, unopposed changes that we are seeing and will

That's astonishing. It shouldn't be possible to be astonished at this point, but it is.

It was wonderfully wacky. Legends is a show that knows exactly what its fans want and knows exactly what it wants to be. If you can figure those two things out, you're gonna be entertaining.

All of them should be Arrival. I would have liked to have seen some Doctor Strange love as well, though that was never gonna happen.


So if a film has a great score but uses lots of music cues it isn't eligible? Lame. People are smart enough to separate an original score from, say, Scorcese's use of non-original songs in Goodfellas.

No kidding. I can't remember a case where a score was disqualified for that reason and it was generally accepted to be a good idea. If a score is good, it is good.

I am planning on doing that as well as soon as I can find it near me.

I've only seen three of the animated films but I'd rank them Kubo, Zootopia, Moana, with the caveat that The Red Turtle sounds pretty outstanding.

Cool! It shall be added to the list.