SG Standard

I wonder how much of its success was "it's a good film!" and how much was "it's the one film that Harvey Weinstein pushed this year!"

Hot take: La La Land should not have gotten a sound mixing nomination. The mix was distractingly bad at some points.

Suicide Squad got more nominations than Deadpool. Take, that HFPA, PGA, and WGA!

More Michael Shannon on the red carpet yesssssss.

Fuck that noise. Adams gave the best lead performance of the year. The film falls apart without her.


If I landed an ABC sitcom I would demand a Disney episode in my contract.

Sushi is good! It took me a while to warm up to the idea of eating raw fish but it is taaaaasty.

No, no, no, that's not how it works. You have to host a reality show to get elected to the highest office in the land. Merely winning a season of that reality show doesn't cut it.

I would read that.

It's an ABC tradition!

Which was also a more ominous title. And I believe that The Clone Wars used the red lettering when things were getting particularly ominous.

Morgan is the only thing sadder than a British Trump; he's a British Trump wannabe.

Ok, so that's an ominous title, but the plural of Jedi is Jedi, so we don't know if this means that Luke is the last one or if this we end up with multiple Jedi during/by the end of the film.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

Onion couldn't get as many followers because it doesn't want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. SAD!

Yeah, but Kristen Stewart and R Patz didn't care that page existed. In this case, the subject in question will be sweating bullets as the follower count goes higher and higher.

I also saw Jeezy, Jermaine Dupre, and Ludicris play the NFC Championship halftime show, which was cool. I then listened to Stankonia because ATL SUPER BOWL BOUND WOOOOOOO

I am SO READY to be able to start Rebels. Gotta keep working my way through TCW first, though. But soon. Soon.

I have zero regrets about never seeing that one. I'll go see Wonder Woman regardless of reviews, but if DC doesn't make a big step up in quality here soon I'll skip Justice League.