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You're right, we should. The fact that "should you punch a Nazi?" is actually a discussion right now is fucking unbelievable. We've reached a point where the idea that "when they go low, we go high" leads to the people who go high getting stomped on, because the other side is exploiting the game by playing by an

That's taking the nature versus nurture argument way too far.

As much as I love sushi, eating food, and cooking food, I have never watched Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Probably because it will inspire me to spend way too much money on a trip to Japan and an impossible to get reservation.

I threw myself a mini-film festival to distract myself from what had the potential to be the most stressful weekend of my life. I watched Fellowship of the Ring (A, one of my favorite movies ever), Hot Fuzz (A, one of my favorite movies ever), Raiders of the Lost Ark (A, one of my favorite movies ever), The Adventures

How Was Your Pop Culture Weekend?

Best ending to a movie ever.

Why did that guy decide to steal Crispin Glover's haircut from the Charlie's Angels movies?

He also apparently goes to anime conventions? This dude contains multitudes.

Ok, valid point, but still.

The fact that it took two days for someone to come up with that idea represents a great failure of us as a species.

You know what movie is aging really well? Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. SO many epic Nazi punchings, and some pretty stellar kiss off lines for any people who voted Trump but claim they don't support his supremacist policies.

Somebody more talented than me needs to photoshop Ryan onto this gif.

Good. Continue staying safe.

Nope. I didn't even want to resign him to that huge contract a couple years ago. He's been good, but not great until now, and the team around him has never been good enough to make up for his not-greatness. He's been great this year. I have no idea where it came from but I hope it lasts at least another two weeks and

He's so charming in Constantine! Looks the part too.

Dang. Stay safe down there.

Greg Popovich for president.

It has been raining all day here too! I was mentally comparing it more to the Dawnless Day from LotR, but that's probably because I read those chapters last night. "Not in Nottingham" is the proper call, though.

We are living in Nottingham circa the middle of the movie!

Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Adventures of Robin Hood are also perfect films.