SG Standard

This weather is so annoying. I don't want snow and ice, but I wouldn't mind a refreshing chill in the air!

He looks even more like a wax figure than usual. He's also probably writing as much of that speech as a wax figure could.


Only if it starts with Ted and The Mother in couples therapy, with him talking about these weird dreams he keeps having about Aunt Robin and his wife dying of cancer.

Just say it took place during Bobby Ewing's shower.

I enjoy Barry and Kara together because they are almost unspeakably adorable together, but Kara makes Oliver uncomfortable, and uncomfortable Oliver is best Oliver. She brings out something new in him rather than just accentuating what is already there with Barry.

I didn't know that Trevor was in charge of NBC's scheduling.


Partying with the Baudelaire orphans!

Peak TV!

LOL. Yeah, just as soon as Trump appoints that independent email investigator.

I think I am too. It sounds insane, but the good kind.

I did too, and it did for me too.

Aw man. I unabashedly love Get Smart. It was probably my first favorite tv show and it's still one of the greats.

That, too.

Kelly's Authentic Jamaican on Lumpkin.

What piece of pop culture has had the biggest influence on your current tastes?

Very true. It's not something I was concerned about as I watched because its was never an issue. I did notice how well it all flowed together, which led me to think about how messy it could have been if they hadn't.


Ok, I'm watching this.