SG Standard

Even better; a Community community communicating via a community of communities.

It's too bad they had to stop playing "The Southern Thing" live, because it is a killer song that basically sums up DBT's entire ethos. You'd think people would realize it is simultaneously pro-South and anti-racism/Confederacy song, but nope. Assholes would break out the Confederate flags when they played it, so it


The resolution was ultimately a bit disappointing, but everything else around it was so damn good that I really don't mind.

God, that was good.

You mean votes in congress? Because they are the only votes that will matter for the time being.

Oh drat. John Carter of Mars tells you something.

Yes. John Carter could be anything. John Carter tells you something.

Worth every penny, imo.

There have only been 21? Well hell, there's no reason for me to not be caught up.

Oh whew. That's a relief. Good on them for doing the right thing, and for getting out in front of this rumor.

I have never read the books but I am definitely looking forward to this. I'm also looking forward to reading the books eventually.

That's an interesting way of looking at time, but it makes sense. When you boil it down all the way, the present is an infinitesimally small amount of time. We may think of "now" as today, this afternoon, this minute, this second, but we are constantly just past the past or just short of the future.

Having not been there to actually hear him say that or have context, to me that "may" implies, "it might be or it might not, we aren't even sure yet" as opposed to "it might be or might not, but I'm not telling you neener neener". At least that's what I hope it implies because that's basically what I figured it would

Happy birthday Hector!

He'll give one to Pence the day after the inauguration and say it is with super duper distinction.

Yes, old befuddled dudes are exactly who I go to when I'm having computer problems.

Oh, totally worth it. That's not even a question. He's perfect for the part and I'm patient enough to wait for the show.

The MCU needs more Nova.

Ex Machina got a 78? Wow, critics were approximately 22% wrong on that one.