SG Standard

Yup. That happened.

Ok, Buzzfeed got the full memo. It's icky. It involves golden showers. Read at your own risk.


I don't see how this could negatively impact me at all. You've got my vote!

It was presumed irrelevance followed by stubborn and befuddling persistence followed by a consistent decline followed by a head-scratching tightening of the race followed by something mindbogglingly stupid. Deadpool has definitely hit the first two, arguably hit the third with a Globes shutout and given the

Have you settled on how we're going to do the sleeper bonus?

-Inexplicably keeps falling upward as its competition nears the endpoint

Deadpool is the Trump of the 2017 awards season.

Oh, very well. And here I was hoping to keep them secret.

It was cute when the Golden Globes did it and weird the WGA did it, but the fact that Deadpool just got a PGA nomination is fucking absurd.

Awwwww and here I thought I was being sneaky and smart. Oh well!

Can we draft any of those films that don't yet have a release date or can we only get them on the waiver wire?

I would subscribe to a DC app if only for Morrison.

How Was Your Pop Culture Weekend?

Birdman is a good comp, but that is indeed more dependent on dialogue than La La Land. Although now that you mention it, there were parts of Birdman where the script made me actively angry and there weren't any in La La Land (at least not for me, though I know there were for some folks). I may be underrating how much

Yeah, so that'll take Adapted (even though I would take Arrival over it). There are enough other places to award La La Land where it was stronger than in its screenplay.

Good point. I forgot about Huppert, which is impressive considering she was just on my TV ten minutes ago.

Might actually listen to this Harmontown.

If I were to guess now, I would say it wins Cinematography, Actress, one but not both of Song/Score, and one but not both of Director/Picture.

It's a cycle here. We have a year where we prepare for snow and get none, so the next year we assume we won't get any and then get enough to turn the city into a SNL joke. That leads to us preparing and inevitably getting no snow, and thus the cycle perpetuates itself.